Financial Assistance

Financial Aid

It is the goal of Seminole State College to make quality higher education accessible to all qualified students. To meet this commitment, financial assistance is available in the form of scholarships, grants, loans, and part-time employment. The factors considered in determining the types and amounts of aid received by an applicant are; Availability of funds, Student's analyzed financial need, Student's academic discipline/performance record, Timely completion of students' financial aid file. Most, but not all, financial assistance is based upon need. Need is the difference between what a family can reasonably be expected to pay toward the cost of education and the actual college expenses. This need in determined through the use of the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).

In order to apply for financial aid:

  • All students must complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid beginning October 1st of each year. Apply over the Internet at  For students without Internet access, computers are available outside the Financial Aid Office located in the Student Services Building.
  • Scholarship applicants must submit the Seminole State College Scholarship Application. Scholarships funds are limited with a deadline of March 1st.

College Financing Plan Sheet:

The College Financing Plan is a standardized form developed by the U.S. Department of Education for prospective students to compare the estimated costs of colleges and the types and amounts of aid available. View College Financing Plan Sheet.


Financial Aid Portal



Available Programs

Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grants (SEOG)

Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (SEOG) funds are limited and must be made available to both full time and part time students during each term. They will be awarded as student Financial Assistance files are completed with priority going to students with an Expected Family Contribution (EFC) of "0" as determined by a valid Student Aid Report. Federal SEOG awards will be for no more than $1000 per year.
Students who are in default on a guaranteed student loan and/or owe a refund on a federal grant will not be eligible for a Federal SEOG. A written release from the U.S. Department of Education or the appropriate loan guarantee agency must be provided to the Financial Assistance Office before a student in default and/or owing a refund on a federal grant will be considered for any student Financial Assistance.

Oklahoma Tuition Aid Grants

State of Oklahoma administers the following student Financial Assistance programs:
State Scholarships & Tuition Grant
Application for the State of Oklahoma tuition grant program is made using the Free Application For Federal Student Aid. The Oklahoma Board of Regents is the administering organization.

Federal PELL Grants

The Federal Pell Grant will be made available to students who establish eligibility through an approved application process which produces a Student Aid Report/Institutional Student Information Record which has been processed by the Central Processor who is contracted with the US Department of Education.
To be eligible for the Federal Pell Grant, students must be enrolled and present a valid Student Aid Report/Institutional Student Information Record on or before the last day of class of the Spring semester of the current award year. Summer school students must present a valid Student Aid Report on or before June 30 of the current award year.
Students who are in default on a guaranteed student loan and/or who owe a refund on a federal grant will not be eligible for all forms of Federal Aid this includes grants and loans.  A written release from the U.S. Department of Education or the appropriate loan guarantee agency must be provided to the Financial Assistance Office before a student in default and/or owing a refund on a federal grant will be considered for any student Financial Assistance.

My Direct Loans

The Direct Student Loan program has both a subsidized and an unsubsidized component. A subsidized Direct Student Loan will be provided only to students with need, as defined by the US Department of Education.  An unsubsidized Direct Student Loan will be provided to all students not to exceed the Cost of Attendance when combined with all other student Financial Assistance resources.  Direct Student Loans will not be processed for students attending less than Half Time.
Private loans (sometimes called alternative loans) are not part of the federal government guaranteed student loan program and PLUS (Parent) loans, are more costly to students. Be sure you know the facts before you borrow.  Visit with a Financial Assistance Administrator or Advisor for more information.

Federal Parent Loans for Undergraduate Students (PLUS Loans)

Federal Parent Loans for Undergraduate Students (PLUS Loans) will be provided to the parents of dependent students after a determination of Direct Loan eligibility has been conducted. The amount of a PLUS loan is limited to the student's cost of attendance when combined with all other student Financial Assistance resources.
Entrance and exit interviews and tests will not be required for the PLUS loan. Parents who are in default on a guaranteed student loan and/or who owe a refund on a federal grant will not be eligible for a PLUS Loan.

SSC Student Payment Plans

When planning to pay your semester balance, take time to consider signing up for a payment plan. Payment plans have many benefits, including paying your balance in smaller amounts over time, not having certain holds placed on your account while it has a balance, and being able to enroll before your semester balance is under $500.00. A current payment plan schedule and instructions on how to sign up for a payment plan can be found on your MySSC Portal on the home page under the Students tab.


My Student Account Info | Students | Portal (

Links and Forms


If the student is selected by the US Department of Education for "verification," additional documentation such as federal tax return transcripts, W-2 forms, and any other necessary forms are available at the links below or students may request forms from the Student Financial Aid Office located in the Student Services Building.


Contact the Financial Aid Office:

Phone: 405-382-9247
Fax: 405-382-9579

Office Hours:
Mon-Thurs 8:00am-5:00pm
Fri 9:00am-4:00pm