Boren Library Resource Center
Library Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
"To help fulfill the mission of Seminole State College, the Boren Library will empower students, faculty, and the community by providing comprehensive resource, innovative services, and a welcoming environment that supports academic success, personal growth, and lifelong learning."
EBSCO Discovery Search
Welcome to the Boren Library Learning Resource Center. In addition to the library, we also house:
- The offices of NASNTI (Native American Serving Non-Tribal Institutions)
- The NASNTI Access Lab
- The office of Lily Phillips, Academic Counselor
- The Educational Opportunity Center
- The Speech Lab
- The Help Center
- The Food Pantry
- Career Center
- The Virtual Learning Lounge
Library Services
Student Services
- Book Collection: The SSC Library has a full collection of books to be checked out by students. Visit our catalog for available titles: Book Catalog.
- Book Circulation Policy: Any student currently enrolled at SSC has borrowing privileges of up to five books for two weeks. High School students must be sixteen years of age and have a Public Library Reciprocal card. Non-Students may borrow books if they have an OBU Library Card, OK-Share Card, or Seminole Public Library Reciprocal (friends) card.
- Textbook Reserve Section: Current copies of some textbooks used in SSC courses are available in the reserve section of the Boren Library. Textbooks are checked out on a "first come, first served basis". Textbooks may be checked out for in-library use only and may not be removed from the building. Instructors interested in adding their textbook to the reserve section may contact the librarian or fill out a library materials request.
- Research Help: Need help finding information for a research paper? Book an appointment with the librarian for a one-on-one consultation!
- APA/MLA Citation Guides: Need additional support with citations? Click here for help with MLA. Click here for help with APA. More citation assistance is coming soon!
- Interlibrary Loan / OK Share: If you have found materials at another public or academic library that you would like to utilize, fill out the Interlibrary Loan request form. You can also stop by the library to get an OK-Share card. This card allows you to have borrowing privileges at any participating public institution of higher learning in the state of Oklahoma.
- Laptop Loan Program: Borrow a laptop from the library! Click here to fill out a request.
- Library Tour: Are you unsure of how to use the library or find the materials you need? Book an appointment to tour the library and learn how to make the best use of our resources.
Faculty Services
- Library Learning: You can book the librarian for your class! If you would like to have the librarian visit your class to teach students how to utilize the library resources fill out the Book the Librarian Form.
- Reserves: Want to reserve a book for your course? Do that here.
- Library Materials Request: If there is a database, journal, book, or other material that you would like to see added to the library, click here to make a request.
- Policy Manual: Find the policy manual here.
Research Databases
Use the following databases to find scholarly journals, periodicals, and articles for your research:
EBSCO is a research database that houses scholarly, peer reviewed sources from journals, periodicals, newspapers, and more. To log in, use your SSCOK credentials. - JSTOR
JSTOR is a research database with primary, peer reviewed sources from a variety of journals. You can also search for images, ebooks, and more. To log in remotely, select the Microsoft login and use your SSCOK credentials. - CINAHL Complete
CINAHL Complete is a database of nursing and allied health literature, journals, and more. - eBook Collection
Explore the eBook collection and find your next favorite book in our digital holdings.
- Oklahoma Digital Prairie
The Oklahoma Digital Prairie is a database of archival materials and government documents from the State of Oklahoma. - Book Catalog
Browse the Library's book collection. You can search the titles that are currently available for checkout. If you find a book you like, visit us in the library and check it out!
Looking for a different database or trying to search by subject? Follow the links below:
Learning the Library Guides
Welcome to Learning the Library, an episodic installment of video guides to help students learn how to use the library tools and resources.
- EBSCOhost: Join SSC Librarian Robin Tyler as she demonstrates how to use EBSCOhost, an intuitive online research platform used by thousands of institutions and millions of users worldwide. With quality databases and search features, EBSCOhost helps researchers of all kinds find the information they need fast.
Look for new guides and helpful videos coming soon!
Library Services Forms
Are you in need of a laptop? Check one out at the library!
Boren Library Laptop Program
Contact the Library:

Research Librarian
Library: 405-382-9243
Office: 405-382-9246
Email: a.bagwell@sscok.edu
Email: a.bagwell@sscok.edu