Student Disability Services
Student Disability Services works with students, professors, and administration to foster a welcoming environment, inclusive and accessible for everyone. We work with our students, to support and encourage self-advocacy, self-awareness, independence, and academic achievement. Seminole State College, in support of and in compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (1990), welcomes requests for reasonable accommodations. Students with special needs should contact the ADA specialist, Carmen Hutchins, located in the Walkingstick Student Services Building. Mrs. Hutchins may also be reached by calling 405-382-9719. Students may also contact the office of the Vice President for Student Affairs, located just inside the north door of the Walkingstick Student Services Building, or by calling 405-382-9216.
Student Eligibility
For Seminole State College to provide services to special needs students, eligibility must be established. Services are provided to each qualified person with a disability as defined by federal regulations. A “qualified person with a disability” means: “An individual with a disability who, with or without reasonable modifications to rules, policies, or practices, the removal of architectural, communication, or transportation barriers, or the provision of auxiliary aids and services, meets the essential eligibility requirements for the recipient of services or the participation in programs or activities provided by a public entity.” (Public Law 101-336, Section 201) The federal definition of a disability includes a person who:
- Has a physical or mental impairment which substantially limits one or more of such a person’s major life activities
- Has a record of such impairment
- Is regarded as having such impairment. (Public Law 101-336, Section 201)
Student Responsibility
Students are required to provide documentation of a disability prior to the provision of services. In the case of a physical disability, documentation from a physician is needed. In the case of a learning disability, documentation must be submitted from one of two sources:
- If you are diagnosed with a learning disability prior to graduation from an accredited high school, you need to submit a copy of the psycho-educational evaluation on file at your respective high school.
- If you are diagnosed after completion of high school, you need to submit a psycho-educational evaluation performed by a licensed psychologist. (It is the policy of Seminole State College to base accommodations on the most recent psycho educational evaluation.)
How Often Must a Student Request ADA Services?
Planned services are provided based upon student request. Ordinarily, students must arrange services at the time of enrollment; therefore, services must be requested each semester or at the time a need is identified. You must also meet with each instructor in whose class the student is enrolled at the beginning of every semester to sign an accommodation form.
Policies, Procedures and Forms
Student Disability Services Handbook and forms can be found here.
Service and Emotional Support/Assistance Animal Policy can be found here.
The SSC Policy and Procedures Manual can be explored here or a PDF copy can be dowloaded here.
The SSC Student handbook can be found here.
Contact Student Disability Services:

Student Disability Services Coordinator
Phone: (405) 382-9719
Haney Center Nursing Office
Room # 239
Office Hours:
Monday-Friday 8:00am-4:00pm