Online Degree Office

Online Degree Office



Why Online?
SSC Online Degrees are extremely affordable and offer the flexibility to obtain your associates degree on your own time. Take your career to the next level!

Why SSC?
You will receive one-on-one attention from a Student Navigator so that you have one point of contact for enrolling, financial aid and all other needs to ensure you have a clear path to graduation. This will streamline your college experience. Your success measures our success

What We Offer

Holding up our mission of empowering people for academic success, giving people more opportunity for an enriching career and continually striving to exhibit and promote excellence. SSC is excited to annouce that we now have 13 degrees that can be earned 100% online.

Online Resources

Are you Ready for Online Classes?

Frequently asked questions

Financial Aid

Tuition and Fees

Contact the Online Degree Office:  or  405-382-9577


Caitlin Brown
Caitlin Brown (A-K)
Student Navigator
Phone: (405) 382-9507
Location: Tanner Hall
Schedule an apointment




Laura Votaw (L-Z)
Coordinator of Distance Education
Phone: (405) 382-9577
Location: Tanner Hall
Schedule an apointment