Campus Email
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If you are not automatically logged-in -see information below
Please use your full SSC email address.
Students - The email address for students is last name & the first letter of your first name separated by a period and added at the end. Some addresses may also have numbers in them. If you are unsure whether or not your student email contains numbers, please contact:
Example: or
Student passwords are initially their 8 digit birthday. (DO NOT INCLUDE DASHES, FORWARD SLASHES OR SPACES)
Example: May 14th of 1991 would be: 05141991
Faculty/Staff - The SSC email address for Faculty/Staff is your first initial and your last name separated by a period and added at the end. Some addresses may also have numbers in them. If you are unsure whether or not your Faculty/Staff email contains numbers, please contact:
Example: or
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