Seminole State College welcomed 25 retirees back to campus for a luncheon in their honor on Dec. 1 in the Utterback Ballroom of the Enoch Kelly Haney Center.
“We were thrilled to see so many former employees who dedicated most, and in some cases all, of their professional careers to this College. They played an important role in the growth and development of the institution. We wanted to thank them for their service and invite them to reconnect and stay involved with SSC,” President Lana Reynolds said.

Those in attendance were (seated, left to right): Judy James, Janet Waddell, Annette Troglin Barnes, Gloria Wheeler, Perthena Latchaw, Dr. Rebecca Kennedy, Patricia Cokeley, and Tracy Jacomo; (standing, left to right): Ted Hurt, Debbie Robertson, Travis Qualls, Dr. Richard Wood, Dave Helseth, Larry Vickers, Rusty Beene, Dr. Jim Cook, Rick Hanson, Fred Bunyan, Robbie Lindsey, Marie Dawson, Kelly Chastain, Carol Hartman, Kelly Kirk, Tom Stephens and Cynthia Yerby.
Reynolds said, “These former employees are an important part of the history of our College. We always welcome them as honored guests on our campus.”