At their July meeting on Thursday, the Seminole State College Board of Regents elected Board officers and approved an annual consultant agreement. The Board also approved the temporary suspension of men’s and women’s tennis to allow the College time to hire a new coach after the recent departure of long-time head coach Brian Nelson – and address several other matters pertaining to the program.

During the President’s Report, Lana Reynolds updated the Board about recent college activities and events, as well as personnel changes. She also discussed the start of the fall semester on August 13 and the upcoming SSC Educational Foundation Golf Tournament on Sept. 20.
As the first item of business, the Board elected officers for the coming year. Regent Marci Donaho was elected chair. Regent Curtis Morgan will serve as vice chair, and Regent Ryan Franklin as secretary.
Under the next item of business, Board members approved a consulting agreement with Brewster and Associates for FY2019. This is an annual agreement with the organization for their representation at the State Capitol and in Washington D.C. President Reynolds explained that the College has developed and maintained a long and productive relationship with the Brewster firm and a continued agreement for the upcoming year will be very beneficial to SSC.
The Board then approved the final business item – the temporary suspension of the men’s and women’s tennis program at SSC. The decision stemmed from the recent departure of long-time head tennis coach Brian Nelson, who recently accepted a head coaching position at a Division I school – the University of Wisconsin at Green Bay.
President Reynolds said that upon Coach Nelson leaving the College, and with classes scheduled to begin in a few short weeks, finding a replacement coach and recruiting a team would be very difficult. “There is currently only one player who has signed a letter of intent to play in the fall. Also, SSC is the only two-year college in Oklahoma with competitive tennis, which has led to high travel expenses for the program. Additionally, the SSC tennis courts require renovations which need to be addressed before the program can continue,” said Reynolds. These matters, along with general cost savings, led to the decision to temporarily suspend the program.
Members present at the meeting were: Chair Bryan Cain, Marci Donaho, Curtis Morgan and Ray McQuiston.The next meeting is scheduled for Thursday, August 16, 2018