Seminole State College’s Boren Library has launched a new laptop loan program to assist students with their technology needs. With a growing number of students enrolling in online or hybrid courses due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the College wanted to offer the program to remove a financial barrier that students may face. The devices were purchased with funds SSC received from the federal CARES Act.
Laptops are checked out on a semester-by-semester basis. To be eligible to receive a laptop, students must be enrolled in at least six credit hours. Students may recheck laptops for up to one calendar year if they are consistently enrolled in at least six hours. After the one-year point, students will be able to reapply for the program. All laptops are in good condition and include a charger.
The computer loan program was announced to students the afternoon of January 7, 2020. Eight students contacted the College within the first few hours of the program expressing need and inquiring about how to sign up to receive a computer.

The first student to check out a device was Lacy Fisher, an SSC student in her third semester and a resident of Seminole. She rented a laptop after her three-year-old son dropped her personal laptop in the toilet. The Boren Library Laptop Program provided a quick solution to her problem and alleviated a degree of stress at the beginning of the semester. Fisher works full-time at a business in Seminole and is enrolled in 18 hours this semester. She has three sons – ages 18, eight and three. She plans to major in speech pathology at the University of Oklahoma in the fall.
The Boren Library has a limited number of devices available to students. Any student in need of a device is encouraged to contact the Vice President for Academic Affairs Dr. Linda Goeller by email at or by phone at 405-382-9513.