Seminole State College President Lana Reynolds was joined by friends of the College at a reception Nov. 4 honoring the inaugural class of “55 Over 55” Inspiring Oklahomans.
The program was sponsored and coordinated by ion Oklahoma Magazine to recognize individuals who are investing in the future growth of the State and involved in projects that are improving the lifestyles for all Oklahomans.

Pictured left to right, are representatives of SSC who attended the event: Regent Kim Hyden and her husband Glen, Foundation Trustee Jim Hardin and his wife Donna, former Regent Melvin Moran, Regent Marci Donaho and her husband Dale, Reynolds, and Director of Board Relations and Administrative Operations Mechell Downey and her husband Mike.

Melvin Moran (left) congratulates Lana Reynolds (right) as they stand next to her portrait. Portraits of each honoree were unveiled at the reception and will remain on display at the Oklahoma History Center until being moved to the Oklahoma State Capitol in January. The exhibit will then travel to several locations around the State. A complete listing of the award recipients is available at: www/