Hailey Hernandez of Tecumseh, a Seminole State College-Gordon Cooper Technology Center Medical Laboratory Technology student, was recently awarded a $500 scholarship from the AllianceHealth Seminole Women’s Volunteer Auxiliary.

The auxiliary, also known as the “Pink Ladies,” is a volunteer organization dedicated to assisting the hospital and patients at AllianceHealth Seminole. Each day, the “Pink Ladies” impact patients’ lives in a positive way through visitation, deliveries and managing the gift shop. Their services reach far beyond the hospital setting to impact the community as a whole. Each year, the organization sponsors a scholarship program to assist students entering into health-related careers.
Hernandez is currently working to finish her clinical internship at the Chickasaw Nation Medical Center in Ada. She will complete her Associate in Applied Science in MLT in the summer of 2019.For more information about the Medical Laboratory Technology Program at SSC-GCTC, contact MLT Program Director Malinda Browning by phone at 405-273-7493, ext. 2279, or by email at m.browning@sscok.edu