Denmark Student Delegation Visits Snyder Farms

A delegation of Danish students visiting Seminole State College, got a first-hand look at Oklahoma agriculture last week as they toured Snyder Farms in the Prague area. Jesse and Gina Snyder hosted the group – even providing them with homemade Kolaches. The group spent a week in New York City before coming to Seminole as part of an educational and cultural exchange program between SSC and College 360 in Silkeborg, Denmark.
Cowboy Up

The Denmark delegation visited the Western Heritage Museum on April 24. The group toured a series of exhibits and learned about the history and mythos of the American West.
The Danes Go Bowling

The visiting Denmark delegation concluded their visit at Seminole State College with an afternoon bowling trip followed by a cookout a President Lana Reynolds home. Pictured are sponsors Henrik Staal and Annemarie Kratz Theusen at the Firelake Bowling Center. The Denmark group departed April 30 to return home after their week-long visit at the College.