Over 200 teachers, administrators and counselors from Holdenville, Maud, Okemah, Seminole and Wetumka attended a professional development workshop on Tuesday, August 7 sponsored by the GEAR UP program on the Seminole State College campus. The event started with a motivational team building exercise presented by The Drum Cafe. While playing individual drums, each participant was encouraged to understand the importance of his or her role in something much larger. Continue reading “Gearing Up for the School Year”
Category Categories
SSC Welcomes Students and Employees
Seminole State College welcomed back both new and returning students for the new academic year on Monday, August 13. New students aren’t the only fresh faces on campus this fall – SSC has welcomed 11 new full-time employees. Continue reading “SSC Welcomes Students and Employees”
Welcome to SSC
The Seminole State College Professional Staff Council (PSC) organized their second annual “Move-In Event” for all students living in the campus residence halls this year. Members gathered to fill welcome bags with a variety of school supplies and snacks and also created and hung welcome signs in each room. They received donations from individual employees and organizations on campus to make up these welcome sacks for residential students. PSC members also gathered during freshman move-in day to greet parents and students and help them carry their belongings to their rooms. Pictured left to right are: (back row) Heather White, Kim Pringle, Mike St. John, Leslie Sewell and Autumn Wiles; (front row) April Briscoe, Jeanie Nix, Julie Hix, Holly Newell and Jennifer Rudolph.
SSC to Celebrate Softball Program’s 20th Anniversary
The Seminole State College Trojan Softball Program will be celebrating its 20th anniversary this year by hosting an Alumni Celebration on Saturday, August 25 at the SSC Softball Complex located across from campus off of Highway 9. Continue reading “SSC to Celebrate Softball Program’s 20th Anniversary”
Welcome Week: Sweet Treats
SSC First Day Experience
X Marks the Spot…
Sophomore members of the Seminole State College President’s Leadership Class helped freshmen PLC members get acquainted with campus Friday during a photo scavenger hunt as part of a special orientation session prior to the start of classes. Continue reading “X Marks the Spot…”
SSC Receives $10,000 WICHE/Lumina Grant
Seminole State College recently received a $10,000 grant from the Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education (WICHE) and the Lumina Foundation to pursue homegrown projects on campus —ranging from culturally relevant programming, to faculty mentoring, to other high-impact practices. Continue reading “SSC Receives $10,000 WICHE/Lumina Grant”
Be Incredible!
SSC In-Service activities
Hernandez Awarded AllianceHealth Scholarship
Hailey Hernandez of Tecumseh, a Seminole State College-Gordon Cooper Technology Center Medical Laboratory Technology student, was recently awarded a $500 scholarship from the AllianceHealth Seminole Women’s Volunteer Auxiliary. Continue reading “Hernandez Awarded AllianceHealth Scholarship”