Seminole State College has selected Josh Hutton as its new communications coordinator. Hutton grew up in Sparks and graduated from Prague High School. He has a master’s degree in creative writing from Oklahoma City University and a bachelor’s degree in journalism from the University of Central Oklahoma. Continue reading “SSC Names Communications Coordinator”
Category Categories
SSC Regents Convene for Special September Meeting
At a special September meeting on Thursday, the Seminole State College Board of Regents approved one new policy regarding emotional support animals on campus, and approved revisions to two existing policies on employee insurance and retirement benefits. Continue reading “SSC Regents Convene for Special September Meeting”
A Helping Hand for Native Students
Seminole State College student Shaun Washington recently received a $5,000 Cobell Scholarship from Indigenous Education, Inc. The Cobell Education Scholarship is designed to provide financial assistance to American Indian and Alaska Native students wishing to pursue post-secondary education and training. It is administered by Indigenous Education, Inc., a non-profit corporation expressly created to administer the scholarship program. Washington is a third semester student at the College and majoring in Business with an emphasis in Native Studies. He plans to graduate from SSC next spring and continue his education in Native Studies at East Central University. Washington is a member of the Seminole Nation of Oklahoma.
Archery Tag at SSC
The Seminole State College Native Americans Serving Non-Tribal Institutions (NASNTI) program, in collaboration with The Chickasaw Nation, recently hosted Archery Tag on the College campus. Chickasaw Academy Manager Ric Greenwood and his team discussed the history of the Chickasaw Warrior and introduced participating students to the Chickasaw language. The students then participated in archery tag – a game that promotes teamwork, agility and concentration. Continue reading “Archery Tag at SSC”
SSC Student Government Association Officers Attend Leadership Conference
Seminole State College Student Government Association Officers attended Southwestern Oklahoma State University’s “Challenging the Future” leadership retreat on Sept. 28.
The Danes are Coming…
Anette Hammer, Head of Education and Business (right) and Peter Nymann Eriksen, Student Counselor and International Coordinator (left) from College360° in Silkeborg, Denmark visit with Seminole State College President Lana Reynolds about renewing a cultural and educational exchange program between the two schools. Hammer and Eriksen were in Seminole this week to work out plans to bring 20 students and two instructors from Denmark to SSC in late October as part of the program. Continue reading “The Danes are Coming…”
SSC Freshman PLC build team work at St. Crispin’s
SSC Softball Celebrates 20 Years
Seminole State College softball alumni, friends, family and supporters showed up to celebrate the SSC Softball Program’s 20th anniversary this past Saturday. The event featured an alumni game followed by a cook-out. During the anniversary program, the current softball players were able to meet and visit with softball alumni that helped shape the College’s program over the years. Pictured, a group of SSC softball alumni celebrate at home plate after their team hit a homerun. Continue reading “SSC Softball Celebrates 20 Years”
Recent SSC Graduate Encourages Others to Attend College
Corie Carpenter, a 2018 Seminole State College graduate, recently returned to the STEM Student Support Services Program on campus to visit with her former advisors and encourage current students in the program. Carpenter earned an Associate in Science in Health Science and an Associate in Applied Science in Medical Laboratory Technology (MLT) from SSC. Continue reading “Recent SSC Graduate Encourages Others to Attend College”
SSC Welcomes Presidential Leadership Class XII
Seminole State College has chosen 24 students for Class XII of the SSC Presidential Leadership program. PLC is a two-year scholarship program created to help students develop leadership skills and provide personal and professional growth opportunities. Continue reading “SSC Welcomes Presidential Leadership Class XII”