SSC Upward Bound Program Hosts Event for 160 Participants

Seminole State College’s Upward Bound Projects recently held an all-day event for approximately 160 participants. The program kicked off with an orientation meeting for all newly accepted UB participants and their parents. Next, new and current participants attended a bullying prevention workshop held on the SSC campus.

 After the workshop, participants and staff enjoyed a meal together and then headed to the Chesapeake Energy Arena to watch the OKC Thunder. Continue reading “SSC Upward Bound Program Hosts Event for 160 Participants”

SSC Administration Hosts Welcome Back Pancake Breakfast

Seminole State College hosted a “Pancakes with the President” event Jan. 11 at the Kelly Haney Center’s Utterback Ballroom for faculty and staff. The event served as a kickoff to the spring semester, which begins Jan. 14. SSC President Lana Reynolds, Vice President for Fiscal Affairs Tony Crouch and Vice President for Student Affairs Dr. Bill Knowles each took to a griddle and served pancakes to campus employees. Continue reading “SSC Administration Hosts Welcome Back Pancake Breakfast”

Seminole to Host Major Basketball Tournament

In a joint effort, Seminole State College, the Brian Crawford Memorial, the City of Seminole and the Seminole Tourism Council will host the Seminole Hoops Classic Saturday, Dec. 22, and Sunday, Dec. 23, at the Reynolds Wellness Center. The event includes 30 elementary boys and girls teams from across the state, slated to play approximately 50 games. Continue reading “Seminole to Host Major Basketball Tournament”