Hanan Attends Nigh Leadership Academy

Area Seminole State College student McKenna Hanan of Seminole, Okla. recently attended the Nigh Institute Leadership Academy held in Oklahoma City.

Hanan received a George and Donna Nigh Public Service Scholarship this year through the Nigh Institute program funded by the Oklahoma Legislature. During the leadership academy, students visited with members of the House of Representatives and the Senate and attended sessions concerning Oklahoma’s local government, government relations, the national election, public policy and Oklahoma’s economic future. Continue reading “Hanan Attends Nigh Leadership Academy”

SSC Regents Convene and Grant Emeritus Status to Five Former Employees

The Seminole State College Board of Regents convened Feb. 21 for their monthly meeting. The Board awarded emeritus status to five former employees, approved a program modification to the Business Technology Associate in Applied Science and approved the resignation of Vice President for Academic Affairs Dr. Tom Mills. Continue reading “SSC Regents Convene and Grant Emeritus Status to Five Former Employees”

SSC Emeritus Status Honorees to be Recognized

Five former Seminole State College employees will be recommended for Emeritus status Feb. 21 to the College’s Board of Regents.  A special afternoon reception will be held for those who are awarded the status of Emeritus by the Board at 2:30 p.m. in the Dan and Andrea Boren Center on campus. Colleagues, family and friends of the honorees are invited to attend. Continue reading “SSC Emeritus Status Honorees to be Recognized”

SSC Students Attend Presentation on Healthy Relationships

Darian Towner – Prevention Specialist for House of Hope

Seminole State College female campus housing residents attended a presentation on healthy relationships at the Enoch Kelly Haney Center recently. Darian Towner—who serves as a Prevention Specialist for House of Hope, a family violence program located in Shawnee—spoke to SSC students about red flags and establishing healthy boundaries.

PLC visit Oklahoma History Museum

The Seminole State College President’s Leadership Class traveled to the Oklahoma History Museum in Oklahoma City on Jan. 31, where they explored exhibits featuring Oklahoma’s unique history of geology, transportation, commerce, culture, aviation, heritage, and more. Following their museum tour, the group watched the move “On the Basis of Sex,” an American biographical legal drama film based on the life and early cases of Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg and her fight for equal rights. Continue reading “PLC visit Oklahoma History Museum”