SSC Upward Bound Math/Science Programs Receive Grant Renewal

Seminole State College recently received notification from the U.S. Department of Education of the renewal of two federal Upward Bound Math/Science grants.  Together, Upward Bound Math/Science I and Upward Bound Math/Science II will receive over $2.9 million in grant money over the next five years, beginning in September. The grants will provide the institution $595,202 annually, with UBMS I receiving $297,601 per year to serve 52 participants and UBMS II receiving $297,601 per year to serve 62 participants. Continue reading “SSC Upward Bound Math/Science Programs Receive Grant Renewal”

SSC Welcomes Students Back with Campus Activities

: The fall semester began Monday, Aug. 15 at Seminole State College. Campus Activities and Events is hosting a number of events and giveaways as part of the College’s Welcome Week tradition, including a game show, movie night, free air brush t-shirts, free snow cones and a dodgeball night. Extended enrollment remains open at the College through Aug. 19. Continue reading “SSC Welcomes Students Back with Campus Activities”

National Disaster Relief Official Visits Seminole

The Associate Administrator for the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) National Office of Disaster Assistance was in Seminole last week to meet with various disaster relief agency representatives and community leaders. Francisco Sanchez, Jr., spoke with the group Thursday morning in the Seminole State College Haney Center Board Room. Prior to being named to his national position, Sanchez served as Deputy Homeland Security and Emergency Management Coordinator for the Harris County (Texas) Office of Homeland Security & Emergency Management. Sanchez and those attending discussed ways to better coordinate and complement services offered to Seminole following the May 4 tornado, as well as how to improve all response efforts following disasters.

Pictured, Various disaster relief agency representatives and community leaders meet in the Seminole State College Haney Center Board Room to discuss ways to better coordinate and complement services offered to Seminole following the May 4 tornado, as well as how to improve all response efforts following disasters.
Various disaster relief agency representatives and community leaders meet in the Seminole State College Haney Center Board Room to discuss ways to better coordinate and complement services offered to Seminole following the May 4 tornado, as well as how to improve all response efforts following disasters.


Oklahoma State Director of the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Kenneth Corn was on the Seminole State College campus Thursday to meet with President Lana Reynolds, SSC Rural Business and Resources Center Director Danny Morgan and SSC Educational Foundation Vice Chair Mark Schell. Corn and USDA Director of Business and Cooperative Programs – Rural Development Brian Wiles toured the Brian Crawford Memorial Sports Complex during their visit to Seminole. Pictured (left to right) are: Schell, Reynolds, Morgan, Corn and Wiles.

Pictured (left to right) are: Schell, Reynolds, Morgan, Corn and Wiles.

Presidential Summit

Members of the Executive Committee of the Oklahoma Association of Community Colleges Two-Year Presidents’ Council met in Seminole on July 19 for their annual planning retreat. Seminole State College President Lana Reynolds (center) completed her service as Chair of the Council in June. Others committee members pictured include (left to right): Redlands Community College President Jack Bryant, Member-at-Large; Northeastern Oklahoma A&M College President Kyle Stafford, Secretary; Connors State College President Ron Ramming, Chair; and Western Oklahoma State College President Chad Wiginton, Vice Chair. OACC comprises 12 member institutions in 30 locations throughout Oklahoma.