OG&E and SSC Students Plant Trees at Sports Complex

Pictured are SSC students and OG&E employees loading up trees for community members as a part of the company’s environmental stewardship program.

OG&E employees and Seminole State College students planted 10 trees at the Brian Crawford Memorial Sports Complex on April 4. As part of the company’s environmental stewardship program, OG&E donated 10 oak and cypress trees to SSC, as well as 40 trees to the City of Seminole. The company also gave away 90 trees to the public.

Pictured (left to right): Gage Fiegener, Cord Bender, Jakin Teape, Luke George, Assistant Professor of Agriculture Wendy Rich, Anthony Smith, Bill McCarter and Director of the SSC Rural Business and Resources Center Danny Morgan pose for a group photo.

SSC students in the Fundamentals of Soil Science class assisted with the planting of the trees at the sports complex. Pictured (left to right): Gage Fiegener, Cord Bender, Jakin Teape, Luke George, Assistant Professor of Agriculture Wendy Rich, Anthony Smith, Bill McCarter and Director of the SSC Rural Business and Resources Center Danny Morgan.

SSC Baseball Team Volunteers at A League of Their Own Season Opener

Seminole State College Trojan baseball players worked with members of A League of Their Own at the Avedis Foundation Adaptive Field, located within the Brian Crawford Memorial Sports Complex on April 2. The League is a co-ed softball league established to provide an avenue for individuals with cognitive or physical disabilities to play baseball. This year 46 players are participating. The Trojan baseball team volunteered for the group’s season opener, which was delayed to Tuesday due to Monday’s severe weather. The Trojans encouraged and assisted participants as they hit and ran the bases. The League takes to the field on Monday evenings and will continue their season through May 20. For more information about the group, contact Holli Daniels at 405-380-7027.

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SSC Hosts Retirement Reception for Employee

Pictured, SSC President Lana Reynolds addresses the crowd at a retirement reception held for Fiscal Affairs Administrative Assistant Carol Landes in the E.T. Dunlap Student Union on March 28.

Seminole State College hosted a retirement reception for Fiscal Affairs Administrative Assistant Carol Landes in the E.T. Dunlap Student Union on March 28. Co-workers, family and friends gathered to celebrate her career and wish her well on her retirement.

Pictured is Fiscal Affairs Administrative Assistant Carol Landes standing next to her cake at a retirement reception held for her in the E.T. Dunlap Student Union on March 28.

Landes last day at SSC was March 29. She was employed at SSC for nine years in her role as the Administrative Assistant for Fiscal Affairs. She is a graduate of Shawnee High School and currently resides in Shawnee with her husband, Rick. Prior to working at SSC, she worked for Wal-Mart for 17 years, serving as a store manager. She looks forward to traveling and gardening more during her retirement.

Local Students Honored at Statewide Awards Ceremony

Two Seminole State College students and three area high school seniors were recognized at the All-Oklahoma Academic Team and Oklahoma Association of Community Colleges Presidents’ Tuition Waiver Awards Ceremony on March 26 at the Oklahoma State Capitol.

SSC students Benjamin Parker, of Shawnee, and Ryan Carlisle, of Foss, were named to the All-Oklahoma Academic Team. Prague High School student Ethan Rich, Bowlegs High School student Dillon Sullivan and Seminole High School student Hannah Upchurch were recipients of the OACC President’s Tuition Waiver.

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SSC Board of Regents Awards Emeritus Status to Former VP

The Seminole State College Board of Regents approved two bids for construction projects on campus, approved entering a contract for fleet management and awarded emeritus status to former Vice President of Academic Affairs Dr. Linda Goeller at their meeting on March 28.

During her report to the Board, President Lana Reynolds discussed campus events and personnel changes.

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Mind Over Matter: Stress Management Seminar Held at SSC

Seminole State College hosted a stress management seminar on March 27 in the Jeff Johnston Fine Arts Center. More than 70 students, faculty and staff learned tips and tricks for coping with stress and managing mental health challenges. The event featured guest speaker Stephanie Hassell (pictured), a Licensed Professional Clinical Counselor and SSC grad who currently works at Hope Revealed Behavioral Health Center, Inc. The event was sponsored by the SSC Help Center, which provides mental health resources and counseling services on campus.

Panel Discusses Native Language at SSC Event

Seminole State College hosted “Native American Language in the Workplace: A Roundtable Discussion” on March 26 in the Jeff Johnston Fine Arts Auditorium. The event was sponsored by SSC’s Native American Serving Non-Tribal Institutions (NASNTI) grant program, which is 100 percent federally funded in the amount of $450,000 annually. Pictured (left to right): Director of the Sac & Fox Language Department Katie Thompson, Matriarch Co-Creator Sarah Adams, Miss Indian Oklahoma Faithlyn Seawright, U.S. Department of State Foreign Service Officer Jennifer Barnes-Kerns and MICA Group CEO Della Warrior.

SSC Student Support Services Launches “Mental Health Mondays”

Seminole State College grant programs Student Support Services (SSS) and SSS STEM are hosting “Mental Health Mondays” each first Monday of the month. The events feature informational presentations followed by discussions about different topics pertaining to mental health. The events take place at 12 p.m. in room 106 of the Scott Building. March’s meeting centered on friendship. Students learned what to look for in a healthy friendship, how to recognize toxic friendships and the benefits of friendship on our mental and physical health. Those in attendance shared stories and snacks and played Friendship Bingo.

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