Seminole State College will host an All-Black Towns of Oklahoma historical exhibit from May 26 to June 9 on the first floor of Enoch Kelly Haney Center. The exhibit is free and open to the public.
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Expected Graduates of SSC’s Nursing Program Recognized at Pinning Ceremony
Seminole State College held a pinning ceremony at the Enoch Kelly Haney Center on May 23 for nursing students expected to meet degree requirements in the spring semester
This semester marked the 50th year the College has offered its nursing program. Since 1972, 1018 nurses have launched their careers at SSC.
Continue reading “Expected Graduates of SSC’s Nursing Program Recognized at Pinning Ceremony”SSC to Host Summer Camps for Kids
Seminole State College will begin hosting its annual Kids on Campus Summer Camps beginning on June 13. SSC camps provide an opportunity for children to learn new skills, explore new interests and make new friends. The College offers instruction provided by faculty, staff, and local area educators that have expertise in their field and love working with children. June Camp offerings include: Ceramics (Pottery), Picasso Art, Minecraft Gaming, Print Making, Legos and Concepts of Music. All camps are designed for grade-school age children (K-6th grades). Lego Camp is appropriate for even younger children (4-5 years old). Children can register for multiple camps. All camps are two weeks long, Monday-Thursday, for eight days total, and cost $79. June camps begin Monday, June 13 and end Thursday, June 23.
Sign up here, or click Kids on Campus Summer Class Camps under “Announcements” on the College’s website, For more information, call Stephen Brooks, Business and Industry Coordinator at 405-382-9261 or email him at
Chickasaw Nation Legislator Lisa Johnson-Billy to Speak at SSC Commencement
Seminole State College will hold its’ 89th Commencement Ceremony on Friday, May 6, for students completing coursework requirements for their degree programs. The graduation ceremony will be held at 10:30 a.m. inside the Raymond Harber Field House on campus.
Continue reading “Chickasaw Nation Legislator Lisa Johnson-Billy to Speak at SSC Commencement”SSC Educational Foundation’s Annual Spring Banquet Draws Large Crowd
The Seminole State College Educational Foundation hosted its 27th Annual Spring Banquet on Thursday, April 28 in the Enoch Kelly Haney Center on campus. Nearly 350 people were in attendance. Accomplishments by alumni, employees and students were recognized at the event.
Continue reading “SSC Educational Foundation’s Annual Spring Banquet Draws Large Crowd”SSC Aggie Club Hosts Fourth Annual FFA Interscholastic Contest
The SSC Aggie Club hosted its fourth annual SSC FFA Interscholastic Contest on Thursday, April 14. Nearly 700 students from across the state of Oklahoma participated in the event. Students competed in eight different contests – Animal Science Quiz Bowl, Milk Quality and Products, Electricity, 8th Grade Greenhand Quiz, Entomology, Environmental and Natural Resources, Floriculture, Homesite Evaluation, Land Judging, and Soil and Water Management.
Continue reading “SSC Aggie Club Hosts Fourth Annual FFA Interscholastic Contest”Exotic Animals Prowl SSC for Campus Event
Seminole State College’s Student Activities welcomed exotic animals to campus on April 6. Extreme Animals, of Oklahoma City, brought in various animals, including a wallaby, a bearded dragon, a python and many others. Students were able to interact with the animals, under the supervision of Extreme Animals staff.

High School Students from Across the State Compete in SSC Interscholastic Meet

SSC to Host Event for Working Adults Looking to Finish Their Degrees
Seminole State College will host a Reach Higher: Reconnect event to help working adults learn more about completing their degrees on March 26, from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Boren Library on campus. The theme of the event is “Your Road to 60.” Working adults with some college credit will have access to several resources to help them reach the 60 credit hours needed for an associate’s degree. Hot dogs, popcorn and bottled water will be available for free for attendees. Games will be held outside with a number of prizes to be given away.
Continue reading “SSC to Host Event for Working Adults Looking to Finish Their Degrees”Social Sciences Division Hosts Presidents’ Day Presentation

Professor of Government Jeffrey Christiansen gave a presentation in honor of Presidents’ Day on Feb. 18 in the Utterback Ballroom.
The title of the presentation was “Theodore Roosevelt: The First Modern President.”
Professor Christiansen discussed Roosevelt’s childhood, personal life, as well as his military and political careers.
The event was sponsored by the Social Sciences Division.