Seminole State College welcomed local high school counselors and administrators to campus for a workshop on March 29. During the event, a panel of SSC employees spoke and answered questions regarding academic placement, transcripts and financial aid. The panel featured (pictured left to right) Assistant Professor of Agriculture Wendy Rich, Vice President for Academic Affairs Dr. Amanda Estey, Registrar Sheila Morris, Director of Financial Aid Edie Cathey and Vice President for Fiscal Affairs Melanie Rinehart.

Chair of the Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education and former Oklahoma State Attorney General Mike Turpen served as the event’s keynote speaker. Following his speech, he met with attendees. Pictured (left to right): Seminole Public Schools Superintendent Dr. Bob Gragg, Carney and Wanette Counselor Val Gokey, Mike Turpen, Varnum Public Schools Superintendent Monte Thompson and Varnum High School Principal Jon Marc Hadley.

Theresa Shaklee, the Student Portal Coordinator for the Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education’s Oklahoma College Assistance Program, presented on the Individual Career and Academic Plan (ICAP).