Area High School Counselors and Administrators Visit SSC for Workshop

(pictured left to right) Assistant Professor of Agriculture Wendy Rich, Vice President for Academic Affairs Dr. Amanda Estey, Registrar Sheila Morris, Director of Financial Aid Edie Cathey and Vice President for Fiscal Affairs Melanie Rinehart, speak and answer questions regarding academic placement, transcripts and financial aid at a workshop hosted for local high school counselors and administrators.

Seminole State College welcomed local high school counselors and administrators to campus for a workshop on March 29. During the event, a panel of SSC employees spoke and answered questions regarding academic placement, transcripts and financial aid. The panel featured (pictured left to right) Assistant Professor of Agriculture Wendy Rich, Vice President for Academic Affairs Dr. Amanda Estey, Registrar Sheila Morris, Director of Financial Aid Edie Cathey and Vice President for Fiscal Affairs Melanie Rinehart.

Pictured (left to right): Seminole Public Schools Superintendent Dr. Bob Gragg, Carney and Wanette Counselor Val Gokey, Mike Turpen, Varnum Public Schools Superintendent Monte Thompson and Varnum High School Principal Jon Marc Hadley

Chair of the Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education and former Oklahoma State Attorney General Mike Turpen served as the event’s keynote speaker. Following his speech, he met with attendees. Pictured (left to right): Seminole Public Schools Superintendent Dr. Bob Gragg, Carney and Wanette Counselor Val Gokey, Mike Turpen, Varnum Public Schools Superintendent Monte Thompson and Varnum High School Principal Jon Marc Hadley.

Pictured, Theresa Shaklee, the Student Portal Coordinator for the Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education’s Oklahoma College Assistance Program, presents on the Individual Career and Academic Plan (ICAP).

Theresa Shaklee, the Student Portal Coordinator for the Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education’s Oklahoma College Assistance Program, presented on the Individual Career and Academic Plan (ICAP).

SSC’s Trick or Treat Trail Draws Large Crowd

This is a collage of images showing Hundreds of little ghosts and goblins (and other fascinating costumed trick-or-treaters) visiting Seminole State College to load up on candy.

Hundreds of little ghosts and goblins (and other fascinating costumed trick-or-treaters) visited Seminole State College to load up on candy Thursday night on the trails in Henderson Park on campus. Faculty, staff and student organizations donated candy and dressed up in Halloween attire to treat community children. The annual event returned after a two-year break due to the COVID pandemic.

SSC to Host Trick or Treat Trail

Seminole State College student organizations and offices will host a campus and community “Trick or Treat” event Thursday night, Oct. 27, in Henderson Park on campus. Stations will be set up by students and employees to pass out candy between 5 p.m. and 6:30 p.m. on the walking trail surrounding campus ponds.

The event is free and open to the public. Children are encouraged to wear their Halloween costumes and visit the various stations.

“Trick or Treat on the Trail” is coordinated by the college’s Student Life office and organized by Director of Residential Life and Student Activities Melinda Sims. For more information, contact Sims at

SSC Educational Foundation to Hold Grand Opening Event for Sports Complex

The Seminole State College Educational Foundation will host a grand opening event for the Brian Crawford Memorial Sports Complex on Oct. 20 from 3 to 6 p.m. A ribbon cutting will be held at 3:15 p.m. The celebration is open to the public and will feature exhibition baseball and soccer games, as well as food trucks and music.

Continue reading “SSC Educational Foundation to Hold Grand Opening Event for Sports Complex”

College Transfer Fair Held at SSC

Students speak with a representative from Oklahoma State University during the Seminole State College Transfer Fair on Oct. 5.
Seminole State College SSC hosted a College Transfer Fair on Oct. 5. Students were able to speak with representatives from the University of Oklahoma, Oklahoma State University, Cameron University, Oklahoma Christian, University of Science and Arts of Oklahoma, East Central University, Grand Canyon University, Oklahoma City University and the U.S. Army.

SSC Holds Extended Office Hours, Fall Semester Begins August 15

With the fall semester beginning Aug. 15, Seminole State College will host its Enrollment Extravaganza event and extend enrollment hours to cater to prospective student schedules from Aug. 8 to Aug. 13. The event will feature games, popcorn, hot dogs, cotton candy and campus tours. Students who stop by during the event can enter a raffle for a $250 or $500 tuition wavier. The drawing will take place on 1:00 p.m. on Aug. 13.

Continue reading “SSC Holds Extended Office Hours, Fall Semester Begins August 15”