Volleyball NJCAA District Tournament Updates

The Seminole State College volleyball team competes in the 2023 NJCAA Plains A & B District Tournament at the Raymond Harber Fieldhouse on SSC’s campus in Seminole, OK, on Wednesday, Nov. 1.

This page will frequently update with their performance at the tournament.


A live stream of SSC’s game one match-up can be viewed here.

Trojans Tournament Schedule

Game One: SSC vs. Neosho – 6:00 p.m. – November 1 (Lost, 3-0)

Seminole State College Volleyball Team.

Legislator Tours SSC’s Campus

Pictured is Speaker Pro Tempore of the Oklahoma State House of Representatives Kyle Hilbert (R-Bristow) as he stopped in on a nursing class in the Haney Center. during his visit to the Seminole State College campus on Oct. 26.

Speaker Pro Tempore of the Oklahoma State House of Representatives Kyle Hilbert (R-Bristow) visited the Seminole State College campus on Oct. 26. During his tour, the legislator stopped in on a nursing class in the Haney Center.

Pictured is Speaker Pro Tempore of the Oklahoma State House of Representatives Kyle Hilbert (R-Bristow) as he met with SSC students who were hosting a business skills seminar for area high school students.

Rep. Hilbert also met with SSC students who were hosting a business skills seminar for area high school students.

Pictured are SSC Rural Business Resources Center Director Danny Morgan (left) and Rep. Hilbert (right) as they toured the Brian Crawford Memorial Sports Complex.

SSC Rural Business Resources Center Director Danny Morgan and Rep. Hilbert then toured the Brian Crawford Memorial Sports Complex.

Trick or Treat Trail Draws Large Crowd at SSC

Pictured is an ariel view of Hundreds of little ghosts, goblins, superheroes and princesses as they visited Seminole State College to load up on candy Oct. 26 for the College’s annual Trick or Treat Trail event.

Hundreds of little ghosts, goblins, superheroes and princesses visited Seminole State College to load up on candy Oct. 26 for the College’s annual Trick or Treat Trail event.

Pictured are Trick-or-treaters as they walked along the walking path in Henderson Park as faculty, staff and student organizations passed out candy.

Trick-or-treaters walked along the walking path in Henderson Park as faculty, staff and student organizations passed out candy.

Online Degree Office Navigator Caitlin Brown (left) and Coordinator of Distance Education Laura Votaw (right), are pictured dressed as the duo of coffee and doughnuts.

Online Degree Office Navigator Caitlin Brown (left) and Coordinator of Distance Education Laura Votaw (right), dressed as the duo of coffee and doughnuts, greeted costumed visitors and passed out candy at the event.

“Searching for Sequoyah” Documentary to Be Screened at SSC

Seminole State College will host a documentary screening of “Searching for Sequoyah” on November 2 at 9:30 a.m. in the Jeff Johnston Auditorium. Following the screening, a panel discussion featuring the filmmakers will take place at 11 a.m. The event is sponsored by the SSC Native American Serving Non-Tribal Institutions (NASNTI) federal grant program. The screening and panel discussion are free and open to the public.

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SSC to Host Trick or Treat Trail

Seminole State College student organizations and offices will host its annual Trick or Treat Trail event on Thursday, Oct. 26, in Henderson Park on campus. Stations will be set up by students and employees to pass out candy between 5 p.m. and 6:30 p.m. on the walking trail surrounding campus ponds.

The event is free and open to the public. Children are encouraged to wear their Halloween costumes and visit the various stations.

Trick or Treat Trail is coordinated by the college’s Student Life office and organized by Director of Residential Life and Student Activities Melinda Sims. For more information, contact Sims at m.sims@sscok.edu.

Mobile Petting Zoo Makes Stop at SSC

Pictured, SSC students interact with one of the many animals brought to campus by The Little Bitty Acres Mobile Petting Zoo.

The Little Bitty Acres Mobile Petting Zoo brought a wide variety of animals to Seminole State College on Sept. 26. Students and employees interacted with the animals in the courtyard outside of the E.T. Dunlap Student Union. The event was hosted by SSC Campus and Activities.

Pictured, Information Technology Technician Teresa Norman holds a chicken at the petting zoo on SSC’s campus on Sept. 26.

Information Technology Technician Teresa Norman holds a chicken at the petting zoo on SSC’s campus on Sept. 26.

Photographer to Illuminate Native Language and Culture at SSC Event

Photographer Matika Wilbur will take to the stage to present “Celebrating Native Language and Culture” at Seminole State College’s Jeff Johnston Auditorium on Oct. 5 from 11 a.m. to 12 p.m. The event is sponsored by SSC’s Native American Serving Non-Tribal Institutions (NASNTI) federal grant program.

Wilbur, a visual storyteller hailing from the Swinomish and Tulalip peoples of coastal Washington, embarked on a journey in 2012 to change the way people perceive Native America through the power of photography.

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The Devil, The Osage and a Cruel Conspiracy: Author Shines Light on Dark History at SSC Event

“Killers of the Flower Moon” author David Grann presented his research and writing process to a capacity crowd inside Seminole State College’s Jeff Johnston Auditorium on Sept. 21. The event was sponsored by the Native American Serving Non-Tribal Institutions federal grant program. Students, employees, tribal leaders and community members listened as the writer spoke about the journey of crafting the book, which began with a tip from a historian friend about the Osage Nation Museum.

Continue reading “The Devil, The Osage and a Cruel Conspiracy: Author Shines Light on Dark History at SSC Event”