SSC Hosts Regional Speech Tournament

Seminole State College hosted its third speech and debate tournament of the academic year on March 15 and 16. The Oklahoma Secondary School Activities Association’s Southeast Regional was the largest tournament this season, bringing in 16 schools and 293 students and coaches.

The action began 9:00 a.m. Friday and continued with debate rounds through 8:00 p.m. The events continued most of the day Saturday with speeches and acting events until the awards assembly, where performers filled the Jeff Johnston Auditorium to await the results. 

John Bolander (right), SSC Assistant Professor of Speech, coordinated the tournament and helped with the Extemporaneous Speech topic draw with Riverfield coach David Wright (left).

SSC Regents Convene and Grant Emeritus Status to Five Former Employees

The Seminole State College Board of Regents convened Feb. 21 for their monthly meeting. The Board awarded emeritus status to five former employees, approved a program modification to the Business Technology Associate in Applied Science and approved the resignation of Vice President for Academic Affairs Dr. Tom Mills. Continue reading “SSC Regents Convene and Grant Emeritus Status to Five Former Employees”