LeAnne Howe, an author and filmmaker, will speak to the Seminole State College campus community at 11 a.m. on Aug. 19 via Zoom, the video conference software. Click here to join the Zoom session. Continue reading “WATCH: Author and Filmmaker LeAnne Howe, Presented by NASNTI”
Category Events
WATCH: 2021 Commencement Ceremony Livestream
While in-person attendance will be limited at this year’s Commencement Ceremony to accommodate social distancing, you can still watch the event live in the space below or on our Facebook page.
When the event begins on May 7 at 10:30 a.m., you’ll be able to view the livestream in the space below. Until the video goes live, you may see a “Video Unavailable” message.
If, for whatever reason, the video is not displaying at the time the event goes live, you may also view the livestream directly here.

SSC President’s Leadership Class Attends Financial Literacy Event
Members of the Seminole State College President’s Leadership Class attended a financial literacy event on Oct. 5 in the Utterback Ballroom, located in the Enoch Kelly Haney Center. Continue reading “SSC President’s Leadership Class Attends Financial Literacy Event”
SSC Will Conduct Virtual Commencement Ceremony on May 8
Seminole State College will hold its’ 87th Commencement Ceremony virtually on Friday, May 8, at 10:30 a.m. Continue reading “SSC Will Conduct Virtual Commencement Ceremony on May 8”
SSC Set to Hold Virtual Commencement Ceremony
Seminole State College will hold its’ 87th Commencement Ceremony on Friday, May 8, for students completing coursework requirements for their degree programs. Due to the Campus’ response to the COVID-19 pandemic, traditional Commencement Exercises scheduled in the Raymond Harber Field House on the campus of Seminole State College have been cancelled. Instead, the graduation ceremony will be held virtually at the original time of 10:30 a.m. on the College’s website, sscok.edu. Continue reading “SSC Set to Hold Virtual Commencement Ceremony”
SSC Hosts HLC Appreciation Celebration Event
Seminole State College hosted the HLC Appreciation Celebration event on March 2 at the E.T. Dunlap Student Union. Faculty, staff, students and community supporters gathered to commemorate the conclusion of the Higher Learning Commission site visit. The site visit marked the last step of the College’s recent accreditation process. Attendees enjoyed cake, punch and a free photo booth. President Lana Reynolds thanked everyone for their hard work during the accreditation process and presented flowers to the Coordinator of Accreditation and Language Arts and Humanities Division Chair Jessica Isaacs. Continue reading “SSC Hosts HLC Appreciation Celebration Event”
SSC Hosts Financial Aid Chow Down
The Seminole State Financial Aid Department recently teamed up with the Student Support Services (SSS) and STEM Student Support Services (STEM SSS) grants to provide “Chow Down with Financial Aid.” The informal event was provided in a relaxed atmosphere so students could have informational dialogue with financial aid staff. Pizza was provided to the students after a brief presentation about the best practices for applying for scholarships. More specific practices that were discussed included establishing references, citing activities, perusing legitimate web sites and reviewing the SSC scholarship application. Students also played an online quiz game. Continue reading “SSC Hosts Financial Aid Chow Down”
SSC Delegation Attends Higher Ed Day
Seminole State College student Kimberly Cotter spoke to state leaders during the “Higher Education Day” program at the Capitol in Oklahoma City, Tuesday, Feb. 11. She, alongside students Ruth Herman, East Central University, and Natanya Hernandez, Southwestern Oklahoma State University, shared how higher education at Oklahoma’s public colleges and universities has positively impacted their lives. A large delegation of campus and community leaders representing Seminole State College attended. The event, sponsored by the Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education (OSRHE), is held annually to demonstrate grassroots support for Higher Education funding. Continue reading “SSC Delegation Attends Higher Ed Day”
Honoring MLK Day
In honor of Martin Luther King Day, Seminole State College hosted a special MLK program on Jan. 16 featuring guest speaker Judge Tammy Kemp of the Texas 204th District Court. During her presentation, “My Journey to the Courtroom,” Judge Kemp discussed her path to becoming a judge and all of her experiences along the way. She recently presided over the controversial case of Amber Guyer, a former Dallas policewoman who was tried for the murder of Botham Jean. Judge Kemp is a native of Wewoka, Oklahoma. She earned a Bachelor of Business Administration in Finance and a Juris Doctorate degree from the University of Oklahoma. After graduating law school, she worked as an Assistant Attorney General and an Assistant Secretary of State for the State of Oklahoma, before relocating to the Dallas area. Continue reading “Honoring MLK Day”
SSC Set to Honor MLK Day
In honor of Martin Luther King Day, Seminole State College will host a special MLK program on campus Thursday, January 16.
The event will feature guest speaker Judge Tammy Kemp of the Texas 204th District Court. The event will begin at 11:00 a.m. inside the Jeff Johnston Fine Arts Center on campus and is free and open to the public. Continue reading “SSC Set to Honor MLK Day”