OG&E and SSC Students Plant Trees at Sports Complex

Pictured are SSC students and OG&E employees loading up trees for community members as a part of the company’s environmental stewardship program.

OG&E employees and Seminole State College students planted 10 trees at the Brian Crawford Memorial Sports Complex on April 4. As part of the company’s environmental stewardship program, OG&E donated 10 oak and cypress trees to SSC, as well as 40 trees to the City of Seminole. The company also gave away 90 trees to the public.

Pictured (left to right): Gage Fiegener, Cord Bender, Jakin Teape, Luke George, Assistant Professor of Agriculture Wendy Rich, Anthony Smith, Bill McCarter and Director of the SSC Rural Business and Resources Center Danny Morgan pose for a group photo.

SSC students in the Fundamentals of Soil Science class assisted with the planting of the trees at the sports complex. Pictured (left to right): Gage Fiegener, Cord Bender, Jakin Teape, Luke George, Assistant Professor of Agriculture Wendy Rich, Anthony Smith, Bill McCarter and Director of the SSC Rural Business and Resources Center Danny Morgan.

SSC Baseball Team Volunteers at A League of Their Own Season Opener

Seminole State College Trojan baseball players worked with members of A League of Their Own at the Avedis Foundation Adaptive Field, located within the Brian Crawford Memorial Sports Complex on April 2. The League is a co-ed softball league established to provide an avenue for individuals with cognitive or physical disabilities to play baseball. This year 46 players are participating. The Trojan baseball team volunteered for the group’s season opener, which was delayed to Tuesday due to Monday’s severe weather. The Trojans encouraged and assisted participants as they hit and ran the bases. The League takes to the field on Monday evenings and will continue their season through May 20. For more information about the group, contact Holli Daniels at 405-380-7027.

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SSC Interscholastic Meet Winners Announced

Students from 28 schools across the state competed in Seminole State College’s 50th annual Interscholastic Meet on March 28. Nearly 600 students attended the event.

Individual entries were separated into two divisions. Division I was composed of students from schools classified as 3A, 4A and 5A. Students from 2A and A class schools competed in Division II.

Exams were administered to students in 12 different subject areas during morning and early-afternoon testing sessions. Four art categories were offered as well: sculpture, painting, drawing and best in show. The top three winners within each subject were awarded medals.

A trophy was awarded to the top school in each division based on accumulation of points and medal placing. Preston High School was the Division I Sweepstakes Champion. This year the runner-up was Morris High School. In Division II, Paden High School was the Sweepstakes Champion, and Bowlegs High School clinched runner-up.

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Chamber of Commerce Honors Two SSC Employees

Two Seminole State College employees were recognized for their hard work and dedication during the monthly Seminole Chamber of Commerce Forum on March 14. Assistant Professor of Life Sciences Truitt Eubank was honored as Faculty Member of the Month and Bookstore E-Commerce Specialist Lesley Ward as Staff Member of the Month.

The Seminole Chamber of Commerce Education Committee, along with the Lions Club and Kontoor Brands/Wrangler, recognize SSC employees several times during Forum each year. Individuals are nominated from across the campus and chosen by SSC administrators to receive the honor.

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SSC TRIO Programs Attend Wicked Musical

Pictured is a group of Seminole State College TRIO program students from Talent Search, Upward Bound and Student Support Services, as they pose for a group photo outside of the OKC Civic Center where they experienced the musical “Wicked.”

During the month of March, all three Seminole State College TRIO programs – Talent Search, Upward Bound and Student Support Services – took groups of students to the OKC Civic Center to experience the musical “Wicked.” The Talent Search Central and West Projects are 100% federally funded in the amounts of $388,326 and $277,375 annually. The SSS and STEM SSS Projects are 100% federally funded in the amounts of $294,725 and $261,888 annually. Upward Bound I, II, Math & Science I, and Math & Science II are 100% federally funded for $414,579, $309,505, $309,505, and $309,505 annually. More information about the programs can be found at sscok.edu/sponsored-grant-programs.

SSC Public Relations Team Reads to Kindergarten Class

Seminole State College Communications Coordinator Josh Hutton (left) and Web and Multimedia Coordinator Brooks Nickell (right) read “The Bad Seed” by Jory John to Danielle Morgan’s kindergarten class at the Prague Early Childhood Center on March 11. Bringing readers into classrooms is part of a national effort to raise awareness about the importance, value and fun of reading. Such reading programs are designed to motivate kids to read and celebrate the diversity in communities and across the country.

SSC and Tourism Council Foundation Partnership Honored

Seminole State College and the Seminole Tourism Council were among colleges, organizations and businesses honored during a Business Partnership Excellence Awards Luncheon held March 7 at the University of Central Oklahoma in Edmond.

For the past 25 years, the Seminole Tourism Council has supported projects aimed at attracting visitors to Seminole and boosting the local economy. This includes funding more than 100 events, programs, building projects and marketing activities. Over the last decade, the Council has directed funds to support the creation, development, operation and improvements for SSC’s Brian Crawford Memorial Sports Complex. This $12 million facility has been a catalyst for other economic development – including helping stimulate the building of a new housing addition, a hotel, two restaurants and a family fun center.

Initially, the Council matched college funds to support a position designed to help plan the complex and recruit tournaments and events. On subsequent occasions, the Council funded specific projects at the field, such as enhancing the soccer field, fencing the property, purchasing sod for walkway areas and purchasing materials for additional parking lots.

“We are so honored to have our partnership with the Seminole Tourism Council recognized through this awards program. They have been an integral part to the success of the sports complex,” SSC President Lana Reynolds said.

SSC Nursing Partners with Local Agencies for Disaster Training Event

Seminole State College nursing students got a hands-on experience in disaster response on Feb. 28 at the softball field parking lot on campus. Nursing students worked alongside local agencies to respond to a simulated school bus wreck.

The scenario was designed to test the students’ ability to assess the situation and work alongside other first responders to triage and treat patients. The students acted as nurses, while volunteers played the roles of injured bus passengers.

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Bagwell and Horne Families Make Donation to SSC

Seminole State College Educational Foundation Trustee and Vision Bank President and CEO Steve Bagwell (left) recently donated several prints of artwork by Kelly Haney and other items to SSC. SSC Talent Search Advisor Damaris Haney (center), the daughter of Kelly Haney, and President Lana Reynolds (right) accepted the donation on behalf of the College. The items donated were part of the late Bill Horne’s private collection. In addition to Haney’s work, the donated items included prints from artist George Montgomery, famous for his depiction of the American West, and a headdress that was gifted to Horne by Haney in the 1970s. Horne, Bagwell’s father-in-law, was a member of the Vision Bank Board of Directors and an honorary Chief of the Methodist Indian Mission of Oklahoma. Haney served as a State Representative, a State Senator and Chair of the Appropriations committee – as well as in tribal government. The Enoch Kelly Haney Center on SSC’s campus carries his name as a tribute to his efforts to bring funding to the College. The donated works of art will be displayed in the Haney Center alongside many other pieces by the artist.