SSC Offers Flexibility to High School Students Seeking Concurrent Enrollment

Seminole State College has refined its concurrent enrollment process in light of the COVID-19 pandemic. High school juniors and seniors wishing to attend Seminole State College concurrently must submit a current enrollment form signed by the high school principal or counselor, parent/legal guardian, and the student each semester. SSC is accepting emails from principals and counselors as well as signatures for approvals.

SSC waives the tuition costs of up to 18 credit hours for concurrent high school seniors and up to 9 credit hours for juniors. The tuition waiver for juniors is subject to state funding. Concurrent waivers may be used for fall, spring and summer semesters – including the summer following high school graduation. Limited fees are assessed to concurrent students. The Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education do not permit the waiving of fees.

Students interested in concurrent enrollment must complete an online application for admission to SSC at

“Concurrent enrollment gives students a head start on their higher education. Our admissions team is ready to help out any way we can,” Dr. Bill Knowles, Vice President for Academic Affairs, said.

Concurrent students must have a high school GPA of 3.0 OR have taken the ACT and scored a minimum composite of 19 or 900 on the SAT. Upon high school graduation, if a student wishes to continue at SSC, he or she must complete a new SSC admission application online. To continue enrollment at SSC as a high school student, a minimum of 2.0 college GPA must be maintained. A concurrent student must submit an official high school transcript, with high school GPA calculated by high school, and ACT or SAT scores.

Dr. Knowles suggested students should stay aware that collegiate level classes taken and grades received as a high school concurrent student are part of the calculation to determine a student’s financial aid status and eligibility. If a student receives a failing grade or withdraws from classes, he or she potentially becomes ineligible for financial aid when starting college.

“Should students have struggles arise while enrolled in classes, they should reach out to instructors immediately. Students will receive an email at the end of each semester detailing financial aid’s requirements and their financial aid status,” Dr. Knowles said. If you have any questions regarding concurrent enrollment, you may reach out to the SSC admissions team by phone at 405-382-9230 or by email at, the financial aid team by phone at 405-382-9247 or email at, the advisement team by phone at 405-382-9797 or email at or Recruitment Specialist Britney Honsinger by phone at 405-382-9751 or email at

SSC Recognizes Outstanding Health Sciences Student

Seminole State College sophomore Jaxon Cooper, of Prague, was recently named the Outstanding Health Sciences student for the 2019-2020 academic year. The Seminole State Educational Foundation honors one student from each of the College’s five divisions at its annual Spring Recognition Banquet. Due to restrictions on large gatherings in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, this year’s event has been postponed, but each student will be recognized at a later date. Continue reading “SSC Recognizes Outstanding Health Sciences Student”

Student Chases College Rodeo Dreams at SSC

Some people mark time by the places they’ve lived, by the vehicles they’ve driven. Kimberly Cotter, a sophomore at Seminole State College, marks time by the horses she’s owned. 

“When I was three, my parents went to a miniature horse sale for fun — just something to do as a family. Well, they ended up buying some,” Cotter said, “so I started showing miniature horses at the age of three.” Continue reading “Student Chases College Rodeo Dreams at SSC”

SSC Extends Online Delivery of Courses Through the End of the Spring Semester

Seminole State College will continue with the online delivery of instruction through the end of the spring semester in light of the coronavirus outbreak. 

“We have been constantly monitoring the COVID-19 pandemic and are working to keep our students and employees safe, while continuing to provide quality service and instruction,” SSC President Lana Reynolds said. 

In accordance with actions taken at other colleges and universities in the state, as well as other recommended health precautions, SSC will close campus to the public beginning March 30 until further notice. Buildings and offices will remain accessible to employees who need to be on campus to handle essential functions. The college will continue to restrict the number of personnel on campus, but employees will continue to handle student and public inquiries remotely by email and phone.  

Computer labs in the David L. Boren Library will remain open to provide needed technology access for students who may not have it. The SSC Food Pantry, also located in the Boren Library, will remain open for students and employees. 

SSC will not hold its traditional graduation ceremony this spring. Instead, the College is exploring virtual options to honor students for the completion of their degrees.  

 “We’re currently working on a digital solution so we can still recognize our graduates for their tremendous accomplishments,” President Reynolds said. 

Once details for the virtual ceremony are finalized, the College will provide an update to its graduating class of 2020.  

Campus housing has been closed since before Spring Break and will remain closed for the semester. Arrangements are being coordinated through Student Affairs and Housing to allow students to collect their belongings in a limited, structured method. The College is discussing several options regarding providing credits and pro-rated refunds for room and board. These will be considered on a case-by-case basis and will be based on many factors, including financial aid status. 

“I realize this will continue to be a transition for all of us, and there are still many questions to be answered. However, I know our campus will work together to tackle these challenges as they arise. I am so very proud to be a part of this college, and to work with its outstanding faculty, staff and students.  We will get through this together,” President Reynolds said. 

Students may check campus announcements regarding the College’s response to COVID-19 at 

SSC Postpones Spring Banquet and Emeritus Reception

The Seminole State College Educational Foundation Executive Committee has decided to cancel its Annual Spring Recognition Banquet, which was originally scheduled to occur on April 30. Additionally, the campus reception scheduled to honor former employees being recommended to the SSC Board of Regents to receive Emeritus status has been postponed to a later date.

In compliance with sanctions on large gatherings and other recommended precautions in light of the coronavirus pandemic, the College will not proceed with either event this spring.

“We hope to be able to reschedule the Spring Recognition Banquet for a later date, possibly in the fall. This will give us the opportunity to properly recognize those who we had planned to honor next month,” SSC President Lana Reynolds said.

Seminole State College has shifted to electronic delivery methods of instruction for all of its courses to help safeguard student and employee health. Students may check campus announcements regarding the College’s response to COVID-19 at

SSC Continues to Take Precautionary Measures During COVID-19 Pandemic

Following its Spring Break, the Seminole State College campus will open to provide core services on Monday, March 23, 2020. At this time, offices will be open from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., with no extended hours scheduled. In areas of campus operations where it is possible, employees will be allowed to tele-commute from home. Supervisors, in coordination with area Vice Presidents, will be asked to work with employees in their areas to fairly and efficiently plan necessary coverage, while trying to limit the number of people on campus.  

“We realize this is a complicated endeavor,” SSC President Lana Reynolds said. “The assistance, cooperation and patience of all affected will be essential in making this plan work.” 

 Seminole State College will shift to electronic delivery methods of instruction for the foreseeable future. Students may check campus announcements regarding the College’s response to COVID-19 at 

Two computer labs in the David L. Boren Library will be open specifically for SSC students without computer access. Each lab will have a ten-student limit. Extra efforts will be made to sanitize the labs frequently.  Students who must bring children with them to a computer lab may do so by appointment only. Such arrangements may be made by emailing Vice President for Academic Affairs Dr. Linda Goeller ( or Administrative Assistant to the Vice President of Academic Affairs Robin Crawford ( 

“I want to thank the faculty of Seminole State College who are working diligently to develop course delivery methods to our students,” President Reynolds said. “I also want to thank our leadership team for thoughtfully and purposefully working through various scenarios and institutional challenges over the past week. Additionally, we greatly appreciate the support and encouragement demonstrated by our dedicated and caring Board of Regents.” 

All events and meetings scheduled on campus involving 10 or more people will be cancelled immediately until further notice. Any outside group renting space on campus for an event may reschedule or receive a refund of their down payment. 

 Since the National Junior College Athletic Association has suspended all spring sports, athletes will be instructed to remain at home following Spring Break and not return to the residence halls. The possible need for the College to house and feed other students, including international students, is currently being evaluated. 

The College’s food service provider, Great Western Dining, will continue to cover whatever student needs the campus has on a “takeout” basis. 

In an effort to address the needs of our campus community, both students and employees, the SSC Food Pantry will be open during hours posted on the SSC website. Additionally, students needing access to pantry items at other times may contact SSC Vice President for Student Affairs by email at  Only non-perishable items are available through the pantry. 

“This is a very fluid situation. We will continue to provide our students, employees and community supporters with updates. We will continue to work together to ensure the protection and well-being of our students and employees as we navigate through this unprecedented event,” President Reynolds said. 

Any employee, or student, who is diagnosed with COVID-19, or is exposed to anyone who tests positive for the virus, should inform the SSC President’s office immediately. Calls may be made to 405-382-9200. 

PLC Meet State Banking Leader

Members of the Seminole State College President’s Leadership Class visited with Gene Rainbolt, a state banking leader and philanthropist, who served as the guest speaker at the Seminole Chamber of Commerce Forum Luncheon on March 12.  Rainbolt is the founder of BancFirst, which since its beginnings in 1989 has become the largest state-chartered bank in Oklahoma with assets of $8.6 billion and offices in 58 communities.  The organization also owns Pegasus Bank which has three banking locations in Dallas, Texas.