Department of Health Awards SSC ‘Certified Excellence’ for Healthy Initiatives

In this photo, Kimberly Ramsey, Adolescent Health Specialist with the Oklahoma State Health Department (center). poses for a photo with Mechell Downey, Director of Board Relations and Administrative Operations (left), and SSC President Lana Reynolds (right).

Seminole State College has earned the “Certified Excellence” designation, the highest level of recognition from the Certified Healthy Oklahoma Program, a division of the Oklahoma Department of Health. This free, voluntary certification program recognizes organizations committed to fostering healthy environments and policies that encourage better nutrition, increased physical activity, and tobacco-free living. The award was presented by Kimberly Ramsey, Adolescent Health Specialist with the Oklahoma State Health Department (center). Accepting the award were Mechell Downey, Director of Board Relations and Administrative Operations (left), and SSC President Lana Reynolds (right).