Members of the Seminole State College chapter of Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) held a business skills seminar on October 27 in the Utterback Ballroom on campus. The event was attended by more than 100 students from local schools, including Seminole High School, Seminole Junior High, Butner, Konowa, and Prague. Members of the Seminole Youth Council attended as well.

Participating students visited six different stations to learn the following skills: proper handshake, tying a full Windsor necktie knot, business meal basics, first impressions, video conference background staging and résumé basics. SSC business students did the instructing at the various stations. Assistant Professor of Business and FBLA sponsor Brad Schatzel was the master of ceremonies. Participants also took a tour of the SSC campus and enjoyed a pizza lunch. The program closed with games and prizes.
“We are very excited about the larger than anticipated turnout. Several students expressed how much they enjoyed the event,” Schatzel said.
“My students had a great time and learned a lot,” Seminole Public Schools Coach Thomas Bare said.
SSC FBLA members who participated in the event and helped operate the station were: Kira Austin, Brent White, Santino Rodriguez, Rachel Gosa, Kaylee Edwards, Hollie Goodman, Trent Stewart, Felicia San Pedro, Hailey Wallace and Jedalis Pochet.