Two Seminole State College students and one area high school senior were recognized at the All-Oklahoma Academic Team and Oklahoma Association of Community Colleges Presidents’ Tuition Waiver Awards Ceremony on March 29 at the Oklahoma State Capitol.
Continue reading “SSC Students Honored at Statewide Awards Ceremony”Tag March 2022
SSC President’s Leadership Class Tours Greenwood District

Emeritus Status Granted to Four Former SSC Employees
Four former Seminole State College employees were granted emeritus status by the College’s Board of Regents at their meeting on March 24. Brenda Cates, Carol Hartman, Susan Walker and Frank Washington were recognized during the Board meeting and, following the meeting, a reception was held in their honor at the Utterback Ballroom.
Continue reading “Emeritus Status Granted to Four Former SSC Employees”SSC Board of Regents Honor Past and Current Employees and Adopt Diversity Statement
The Seminole State College Board of Regents granted tenure to a faculty member, approved emeritus status for four former employees and adopted a diversity statement at their meeting on March 24.
Continue reading “SSC Board of Regents Honor Past and Current Employees and Adopt Diversity Statement”High School Students from Across the State Compete in SSC Interscholastic Meet

SSC Program Director Receives Outstanding Instructor Award
Seminole State College Medical Laboratory Technician (MLT) Program Director and Assistant Professor Kelly Hankal was recently honored with the Outstanding Instructor award at the 2022 Making It Work Day Awards held by the Oklahoma Career and Technical Education Equity Council. Hankal received the award for her impact with non-traditional students.
Continue reading “SSC Program Director Receives Outstanding Instructor Award”SSC to Host Event for Working Adults Looking to Finish Their Degrees
Seminole State College will host a Reach Higher: Reconnect event to help working adults learn more about completing their degrees on March 26, from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Boren Library on campus. The theme of the event is “Your Road to 60.” Working adults with some college credit will have access to several resources to help them reach the 60 credit hours needed for an associate’s degree. Hot dogs, popcorn and bottled water will be available for free for attendees. Games will be held outside with a number of prizes to be given away.
Continue reading “SSC to Host Event for Working Adults Looking to Finish Their Degrees”Enrollment Opens for Summer and Fall Courses
Seminole State College will open enrollment for the 2022 Summer and Fall semesters March 28. Course offerings and application information can be found at Seminole State college will host on campus and community enrollment events for new students throughout the month of April. No appointment is needed but events take place throughout April to better serve the community. Continue reading “Enrollment Opens for Summer and Fall Courses”
SSC and Kontoor Brands, Inc./Wrangler Brands Partnership Honored
Seminole State College and Kontoor Brands, Inc./Wrangler were among colleges, schools and businesses honored during a Business Partnership Excellence Awards Luncheon held March 9 at the University of Central Oklahoma in Edmond. Continue reading “SSC and Kontoor Brands, Inc./Wrangler Brands Partnership Honored”
SSC Honor Society Inducts New Members
Thirty-one Seminole State College students were inducted into the Phi Theta Kappa International Honor Society for Two-Year Colleges on March 8. Continue reading “SSC Honor Society Inducts New Members”