Seminole State College will host its annual Constitution Day event on Sept. 15 at 10 a.m. in the lecture hall located just inside the Enoch Kelly Haney Center. This year’s event will feature a presentation by Professor of Government Jeffrey Christiansen titled “James Madison: Father of the Constitution.” The event is free and open to the public. Continue reading “James Madison’s Influence to Be Explored at SSC’s Constitution Day Event”
Tag August 2023
SSC Board of Regents Approve Bids for Renovation Project
The Seminole State College Board of Regents reviewed bids for the institution’s natatorium renovation project and made updates to the employee policy manual regarding compensation at their meeting on Aug. 23.
Prior to the discussion of business items, President Lana Reynolds spoke about personnel changes, reported on enrollment numbers and presented SSC’s 22-23 Annual Report publication to members of the Board. The Annual Report encapsulates the achievements, milestones, community partnerships and endeavors undertaken by the College over the past year. A digital version of the publication may be viewed at
Continue reading “SSC Board of Regents Approve Bids for Renovation Project”Congresswoman Bice Meets with Students and Community Leaders at SSC

U.S. Congresswoman Stephanie Bice visited Seminole State College on Aug. 22. She was greeted by three freshman President’s Leadership Class students from Seminole. The students made Congresswoman Bice an honorary member of PLC and presented her with a welcome package, including the 2023 PLC “Together We Grow” t-shirt. Pictured (left to right): Chairty Hair, Amberlynn Mathews, Rep. Bice and Daylan Saxon.

SSC hosted a luncheon for U.S. Congresswoman Stephanie Bice with several local community leaders. Pictured: (seated, left to right) Seminole City Manager Steve Saxon, Assistant Chief of the Seminole Nation Brian Palmer, Director of the SSC Rural Business and Resources Center Danny Morgan, Brewster and Associates Consultant Karel Brewster and Seminole Chamber Executive Director Amy Britt; (standing, left to right) State Senator Grant Green (District 28), President of BancFirst Debbie Kuykendall, President of Security State Bank Mark Schell, Pam Robinson Real Estate Broker Associate Dillon Robinson, SSC President Lana Reynolds, Congresswoman Bice, Family Medicine Physician Dr. Jenna Geohagan, Superintendent of Seminole Schools Dr. Bob Gragg, State Representative Danny Williams (District 28), President of First United Bank Billy Norton and Seminole City Attorney and Assistant Adjutant General of the Oklahoma National Guard Brad Carter.
SSC Announces New President’s Leadership Class
Seminole State College has selected 21 freshmen students for Class XVI of the President’s Leadership Class. PLC is a two-year scholarship program created to help students develop leadership skills and provide personal and professional growth opportunities.
The freshmen met for an orientation session at the College prior to the start of classes. They, along with their parents, attended a reception held at the Jasmine Moran Children’s Museum on Monday, August 21, where College administrators and Eileen Castle, the Executive Director of the museum, spoke.
Continue reading “SSC Announces New President’s Leadership Class”Osage History Brought to the Stage at SSC

The Seminole State College Native American Serving Non-Tribal Institutions federal grant program hosted the Osage ballet “Wahzhazhe” on Aug. 15 in the Jeff Johnston Fine Arts Auditorium.

Students, employees and community members enjoyed the performance, which depicts more than 400 years of the tribe’s history. Following the event, attendees had the opportunity to meet with the ballet dancers.
SSC Kicks Off Academic Year with Week of Welcome Events

As students arrived for their first day of class on Aug. 14, Seminole State College faculty and staff greeted them, helped them find their classrooms and passed out goody bags. Pictured: Assistant Professor of Agriculture Wendy Rich (center) welcomes two students in Tanner Hall.

SSC Campus and Activities annual Welcome Week programming included free cotton candy for students to begin the week.

Welcome Week continued with ice cream provided by the Scoops Ice Cream Truck on Aug. 16. Other Welcome Week activities included cupcake decorating, pen engraving, a free movie night at Strother Cinema, a pop-up gameshow and free fair-style food to conclude the event.

SSC President Lana Reynolds speaks with over 170 students at an athletic orientation held in the Raymond Harber Field House on Aug. 15. The College’s sports teams heard from coaches, administrators and staff about goals for the upcoming year, as well as campus resources.
SSC Welcomes Campus Residents on Move-In Day

Seminole State College welcomed campus residents, their family and friends on Move-In Day on Aug. 11. Students gathered their belongings and settled into their dorm rooms in the Roesler and Seminole Nation Residential Learning Centers. Classes begin Monday, Aug. 14.

SSC President’s Leadership Class Embarks on Scavenger Hunt

Seminole State College welcomed the incoming freshman class of President’s Leadership Class students at an orientation event on Aug. 11. Students were welcomed by SSC staff and administrators, including Vice President for Academic Affairs Dr. Amanda Estey (pictured).

To help new students familiarize themselves with the campus, PLC students participated in a scavenger hunt. Pictured (back row, left to right): Joriana Johnson of Wewoka, Charity Hair of Seminole, Jesse Jones of Tecumseh, Cooper Hamilton of Tahlequah, Jordan Long of Moss, Alex Harper of Coweta, Easton Guest of Sperry, Daylan Saxon of Seminole, Cole Giard, Piedmont and (front row, taking the photo) John Mahalik of Carrolton, Texas.
Osage Ballet to Perform at SSC
The Seminole State College Native American Serving Non-Tribal Institutions (NASNTI) grant program will host a performance of the Osage ballet “Wahzhazhe” on Aug. 15 in the Jeff Johnston Fine Arts Auditorium, located on the College’s campus. The event will run from 11:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. The event is free and open to the public.
Continue reading “Osage Ballet to Perform at SSC”SSC Prepares for Fall Semester with Employee In-Service Event

Seminole State College hosted its annual in-service event for all full-time employees on Aug. 9 in preparation for the fall semester, beginning Aug. 14. This year’s theme was “Together We Grow.”

SSC President Lana Reynolds welcomed employees, discussed accomplishments of the last year and talked about upcoming campus events.

Captain Dalton Jackson, of the University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Police Department, spoke to SSC employees about campus safety and what steps to take in an active shooter situation.