Seminole State College hosted its annual Night at the Lights event on Dec. 4 at the Reynolds Wellness Center in Seminole. Local families enjoyed the community Snowman Wonderland light display, as well as cookies and hot chocolate provided by the College. Dozens of SSC students manned crafting stations, helping children create crafts.

Children shared their Christmas wishes and posed for pictures with Santa and Mrs. Claus, including Creed Kemp (pictured).

Many of the SSC students assisting with the event were student athletes. Several of the athletic staff were also present. Pictured (left to right): Women’s Soccer Head Coach Dan Hill, Athletic Director Leslie Sewell, Women’s Basketball Head Coach Rita Story-Schell, Women’s Softball Head Coach Amber Flores, Men and Women’s Golf Head Coach Ronnie Williamson, Women’s Volleyball Head Coach Hannah Killian and Men’s Basketball Head Coach Lucas Hunter.

SSC administrators pose for a photo in front of the Snowman Wonderland light display in Magnolia Park. Pictured (left to right): Vice President for Academic Affairs Dr. Amanda Estey, Vice President for Fiscal Affairs Melanie Rinehart, President Lana Reynolds and Vice President for Student Affairs Dr. Bill Knowles