As students arrived for their first day of class on Aug. 14, Seminole State College faculty and staff greeted them, helped them find their classrooms and passed out goody bags. Pictured: Assistant Professor of Agriculture Wendy Rich (center) welcomes two students in Tanner Hall.

SSC Campus and Activities annual Welcome Week programming included free cotton candy for students to begin the week.

Welcome Week continued with ice cream provided by the Scoops Ice Cream Truck on Aug. 16. Other Welcome Week activities included cupcake decorating, pen engraving, a free movie night at Strother Cinema, a pop-up gameshow and free fair-style food to conclude the event.

SSC President Lana Reynolds speaks with over 170 students at an athletic orientation held in the Raymond Harber Field House on Aug. 15. The College’s sports teams heard from coaches, administrators and staff about goals for the upcoming year, as well as campus resources.