A large delegation of campus and community leaders representing Seminole State College attended Higher Education Day at the Capitol in Oklahoma City Thursday, Feb. 8. The event, sponsored by the Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education (OSRHE), is held annually to demonstrate the value and importance of higher education in the state.
To begin the day, 21 SSC President’s Leadership Class students visited the offices of several legislators and spoke with them.

At lunch, SSC President Lana Reynolds introduced elected officials who represent communities in the College’s service area. State Senator Grant Green and Representatives Kevin Wallace, Dell Kerbs, Danny Sterling and Danny Williams spoke to the SSC delegation about their support of higher education and their outlook on the legislative session. Students also heard from OSRHE Chair Jack Sherry and the Administrative Director of the Courts Jari Askins.

In the afternoon, students and personnel from higher education institutions across the state gathered to listen to Governor Kevin Stitt, Speaker of the House Charles McCall, Sen. Adam Pugh, Rep. Mark McBride, State Regents Chair Sherry and Chancellor Allison Garrett.

“Students, faculty and staff from Oklahoma’s public colleges and universities came together at our State Capitol to highlight the value of a college degree,” Garrett said. “Over half of the top 100 occupations identified as critical for our state require an associate degree or higher, including the top 29 highest paying jobs. Investing in higher education drives economic opportunity for individual Oklahomans and strengthens the workforce pipeline for our vibrant business community.”