The Seminole State College Board of Regents convened for their monthly meeting on Jan. 16 to review the terms of President Lana Reynolds’ employment.
The meeting opened with an overview of the College’s recent expenditures by Vice President of Finance, Grants and Enrollment Melanie Rinehart.
SSC President Lana Reynolds then presented her President’s Report, which included an update on personnel changes, information about campus activities and an update on spring semester enrollment numbers.
The President’s Report concluded with a presentation of the 2024 Year-in-Review. The publication opens with a letter from President Reynolds, highlights the top stories, and documents campus news over the span of the past year, month by month. The Year-in-Review is available to the public on the College’s website, sscok.edu.
With the first item on the agenda, the Board reviewed a bid from Atlantic Fabrication & Design for a $47,350.05 project to replace a boiler in the Enoch Kelly Haney Center. The Board approved the bid.
The second action item was the review of President Reynolds’ employment. In accordance with Board Policy, the President is evaluated each year prior to the January meeting. The evaluation process is conducted according to the wishes of the Board Chair. Eight years ago, Reynolds was named to the position of President, beginning her tenure in July of 2017.
President Reynolds met with a committee of the Board, composed of Chair Curtis Morgan and Regents Ryan Pitts and Robyn Ready, on Jan. 8 to review performance and discuss challenges and successes of the last year, as well as to establish goals for the coming year.
The Board retired into executive session to discuss President Reynolds’ evaluation and contract. When the Board returned to public session, her contract was extended, and she was given a raise, mirroring the across-the-board increase provided to all employees last summer.
Chair Morgan expressed his appreciation for President Reynolds’ continued leadership and dedication to SSC, stating, “President Reynolds has been instrumental in driving the College’s mission forward. Her commitment to student success and community engagement remains unwavering. We look forward to what the College accomplishes under her leadership in 2025.”
Reynolds added, “Serving in this role has been an honor, navigating both moments of great achievement and times of challenge. My dedication to this college, our students, and our employees remains steadfast, and I deeply appreciate the Board’s confidence and support, allowing me to continue serving in this capacity.”
Board members present at the meeting were: Chair Curtis Morgan, Teresa Burnett, Bryan Cain, Marci Donaho, Ryan Franklin, Ryan Pitts and Robyn Ready.
The next SSC Board of Regents meeting is set for Thursday, Feb. 20, 2025.