SSC Accepting Submissions for Creativity Symposium

The Language Arts and Humanities Division at Seminole State College is currently accepting submissions for the Eighth Annual “Howlers and Yawpers Creativity Symposium: A Showcase of Oklahoma Artists, Musicians, Actors, Writers, and Dancers.” Those interested can visit the symposium website at to access the 2018 Submission Form. The deadline for submissions is Friday, October, 5, 2018. Continue reading “SSC Accepting Submissions for Creativity Symposium”

SSC Regents Convene for July Meeting

At their July meeting on Thursday, the Seminole State College Board of Regents elected Board officers and approved an annual consultant agreement. The Board also approved the temporary suspension of men’s and women’s tennis to allow the College time to hire a new coach after the recent departure of long-time head coach Brian Nelson – and address several other matters pertaining to the program. Continue reading “SSC Regents Convene for July Meeting”

PLC Oklahoma History- Scottish Rite

The Seminole State College President’s Leadership Class travelled to Guthrie on Tuesday afternoon to visit the Oklahoma Territorial Museum and tour the Masonic Center. Pictured l-r, Hunter Dugan of Tecumseh, Triniti House of Holdenville and Gavin Winchester of Prague learn about the Land Run of 1889 while at the museum.
While touring the Scottish Rite Temple in Guthrie, the PLC students learned the history behind the Scottish Rite Masons as well as the facility – a place of study and education, recreation and fellowship, learning and reflection and charity and compassion. SSC students Kaylie Davidson (left) of Seminole and D.J. Lee (right) of Holdenville look around the large library room housed inside the building.

SSC Student Support Programs Host First to Finish Panel

The Seminole State College Student Support Services Programs recently hosted a “First to Finish” event on campus featuring a panel of three individuals, all first in their family to graduate from college.

During the program, the three panelists shared their personal experiences as first-generation college students by answering a series of questions. They discussed fear and other obstacles encountered during their college journeys and how they were able to overcome those barriers. Panelists also discussed the importance of setting and achieving goals along the path to completing a college degree. Audience members also had the opportunity to ask questions at the end of the event.

Continue reading “SSC Student Support Programs Host First to Finish Panel”