McQuiston Named Chair of SSC Board of Regents

The Seminole State College Board of Regents held an election of officers and approved the hire of a new Vice President for Fiscal at their meeting on July 15.

To open the meeting, Oklahoma State Senator Shane Jett administered the oath of office for Regent Ryan Franklin. Franklin’s reappointment was confirmed by the Oklahoma State Senate Education Committee on May 4. Franklin’s seven-year term as a Regent concludes on July 1,2028. He was first appointed as a Regent in 2014 by former Governor Mary Fallin.

Following an overview on the College’s finances, President Lana Reynolds provided an update on personnel changes, shared campus news and showed progress on the Brian Crawford Memorial Sports Complex’s construction.

Artificial turf has been placed and concrete bleachers have been poured for the main baseball field at the sports complex. A large indoor baseball training facility has been erected, and six addition fields – including the College’s first soccer field and the AVEDIS Adaptive field for people with disabilities – are underway.

Director of Physical Plant and Campus Safety Ed Lemmings discussed maintenance and repairs projects across campus. Tile and carpet have been replaced in the Boren Library and Tanner Hall, following damage caused by the winter storm in February. The softball field is currently being repaved. Stairwells have been repaired in the Seminole Nation Residential Learning Center. Work is also beginning on the cooling tower, gym roof, gym HVAC system, and the east parking lot.

Then the Board held its election of officers. The Board approved the selection of Ray McQuiston as Chair, Ryan Pitts as Vice Chair and Kim Hyden as Secretary.

Following the oath of office, Senator Shane Jett (right) congratulates Regent Ryan Franklin (left) on his reappointment to the SSC Board of Regents.
Following the oath of office, Senator Shane Jett (right) congratulates Regent Ryan Franklin (left) on his reappointment to the SSC Board of Regents.

Next, the Board retired to executive session to discuss the hiring of Kristie Newby for the position of Vice President for Fiscal Affairs. President Reynolds and Regents Curtis Morgan, Kim Hyden and Ray McQuiston met and interviewed the candidate. Upon their recommendation, Newby was hired to the position.

Newby received her Bachelor of Science in Economics from Oklahoma State University and her Master of Business Administration from the University of Arkansas. Most recently, Newby served as the Manager of Administrative/Business Operations, where she oversaw all business operations of the College of Engineering, Architecture and Technology and performed internal audits. Newby has 23 years of administrative oversight and division management experience, as well as 29 years of professional accounting and auditing experience.

Board members present at the meeting were: Chair Ray McQuiston, Marci Donaho, Ryan Franklin, Kim Hyden, Curtis Morgan and Ryan Pitts.

The next SSC Board of Regents meeting is set for Thursday, August 19.