Seminole State College hosted the Lloyd Simmons Field dedication on May 3 at the Brian Crawford Memorial Sports Complex. Former Trojan baseball Head Coach Lloyd Simmons was presented with a plaque and customized baseball bat to commemorate the special occasion. Simmons also received a Citation of Recognition from the State of Oklahoma in honor of the field dedication by State Senator and Trojan Alumni Darcy Jech. Pictured (left to right) are Sen. Jech, SSC Educational Foundation Chair Lance Wortham, Simmons, SSC President Lana Reynolds and SSC Board of Regents Chair Kim Hyden.

After Coach Lloyd Simmons was honored, he spoke to the crowd in attendance while surrounded by Trojan baseball alumni.

Former Trojan baseball players and Coach Lloyd Simmons gathered on the field and posed for a group photo after the turf addition labeling Lloyd Simmons Field was revealed.

Through Trojan baseball alumni fundraising efforts, an arch now greets guests as they arrive at the field.