Seminole State College freshman Melanie Long, of Mustang, attended the Nigh Institute Leadership Academy held in Oklahoma City from Feb. 1-4.

SSC freshman Melanie Long, of Mustang, meets with former Governor George Nigh and former First Lady of Oklahoma Donna Nigh during the four-day Nigh Leadership Academy in Oklahoma City.
Long joined college students from across the state for the four-day academy, where she participated in a variety of leadership activities, networking events and community service projects. The academy’s itinerary included a volunteer service project at the Oklahoma Regional Food Bank, a visit to the First Americans Museum, a tour of the Oklahoma City National Memorial, a tour of the Express Personnel and the Clydesdale Ranch and an opportunity to attend an Oklahoma City Thunder game.
Throughout the academy, students engaged with prominent state leaders. Guest speakers included the Women’s Legislative Caucus, Executive Director of the Association of Oklahoma General Contractors Bobby Stem and Former Gov. George Nigh and First Lady Donna Nigh.
“This experience really showed me a lot about the aspects of leadership, its many paths, ways of connecting with others and how to have better conversations with people that have different views than I do,” Long said. “I met so many remarkable leaders and took a piece of advice from each one. They have shown me that there is no one path to becoming a leader, and they aren’t afraid to get what they believe is right across. I am incredibly honored to have been selected for this academy and my perspective has been changed for many things.”
Long is a graduate of Mustang High School and the daughter of Chad Long and Deanna Agee. She is currently pursuing a degree in Liberal Studies at SSC.

The George and Donna Nigh Public Service Scholarship was established on April 19, 1999, by the Oklahoma State Legislature and former Gov. Frank Keating. The purpose of this scholarship is to allow each of the two- and four-year higher educational institutions, both public and private, to select and honor one student each year as a Nigh Scholar. Each student is selected and nominated by their institution’s president and receives a one-time $1,000 Leadership Scholarship.
The Nigh Leadership Academy is supported by the Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education, which contracts with the Nigh Leadership Academy for implementation. Over the years, more than 700 students have been awarded the title of Nigh Scholar.