Gateway to Prevention and Recovery recently donated 10 NARCAN drug overdose response kits Seminole State College. NARCAN is a nasal spray containing the medication naloxone. The kits are designed to rapidly reverse opioid overdose.
Since 2016, SSC campus police officers on duty have carried a NARCAN kit in case of emergencies. With this donation, kits will be placed in buildings throughout campus and designated employees will be trained on how to administer the treatment.
“The earlier the NARCAN is administered during an overdose, the more effective it is,” SSC Police Chief Shane Marshall said. “This donation allows us to respond quicker in case of an emergency.”

From 1998 to 2018, nearly 450,000 people died from overdoses involving opioids in the United States. The federal government launched a campaign in 2015 to tackle the crisis. The campaign has helped schools and businesses take precautions in the form of NARCAN and other methods involving naloxone.
“I’m happy to say we’ve never had to use NARCAN on campus, but we still want to be prepared in case the need arises,” Chief Marshall said.
Gateway to Prevention and Recovery, headquartered in Shawnee, offers multiple programs to assist people struggling with addiction and behavioral health issues. These programs include education, prevention activities, support, case management and treatment. It has been a certified alcohol and drug treatment program since 1985.
SSC President Lana Reynolds said the College was grateful for the partnership with Gateway to Prevention and Recovery.
“We appreciate Gateway reaching out to us and providing a vital resource to our campus. These kits have saved many lives and having greater access to them further reinforces our commitment to student and employee health on campus,” President Reynolds said.