SSC Student Support Programs Host First to Finish Panel

The Seminole State College Student Support Services Programs recently hosted a “First to Finish” event on campus featuring a panel of three individuals, all first in their family to graduate from college.

During the program, the three panelists shared their personal experiences as first-generation college students by answering a series of questions. They discussed fear and other obstacles encountered during their college journeys and how they were able to overcome those barriers. Panelists also discussed the importance of setting and achieving goals along the path to completing a college degree. Audience members also had the opportunity to ask questions at the end of the event.

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SSC Emeritus Status Honorees to be Recognized

Five former Seminole State College employees will be recommended for Emeritus status next week during the College’s Board of Regents meeting on Thursday, March 15.  A special afternoon reception recognizing these employees will follow the meeting, beginning at 2 p.m. in the Haney Center Utterback Ballroom. Campus and community friends of the honorees are invited to attend. Continue reading “SSC Emeritus Status Honorees to be Recognized”

SSC Receives Award of Excellence as a Certified Healthy Campus

Seminole State College was honored Thursday at the Certified Healthy Oklahoma luncheon in Oklahoma City for helping create a healthy campus environment. The College received an Award of Excellence – the highest of all certification levels. The Certified Healthy Oklahoma program showcases businesses, campuses, communities, congregations, early childhood programs, restaurants, and schools that are committed to supporting healthy choices through environmental and policy change. These entities work to improve the health of Oklahomans by implementing elements, policies, and programs that will help Oklahomans to eat better, move more, and be tobacco free. Pictured left to right are SSC President Lana Reynolds, Administrative Assistant to the President Mechell Downey, Director of Community Relations Kristin Dunn and Library/Business Training Coordinator Carol Hartman.

From Arm Wrestling to Mentoring, Seminole Woman Disrupts Aging

In October 2017 AARP Oklahoma honored 50 people at the 9th Annual Indian Elders Honors. As the nomination process for 2018 opens this week, we profile one of the 2017 honorees, Cynthia Yerby, 65, a member of the Seminole Nation in Oklahoma.

The perfect personification of AARP’s “Disrupt Aging” motto, Cynthia Yerby talks with passion about her many hard-fought accomplishments: getting a master’s degree while working and raising a family; mentoring youth; becoming a traditional sewing artist; and — when she was 40 years old — launching a career as a champion arm wrestler.

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