SSC to Host New Student Orientation

Seminole State College will host “SSC Unwrapped,” a new student orientation event, on Aug. 17 from 1 to 4 p.m. at the Enoch Kelly Haney Center. The event is designed to welcome incoming freshmen and their families to the college community and provide information for a successful start to the academic year.

The orientation will begin at 1:00 p.m. with a welcome and overview of the day’s activities by the SSC Orientation Committee. President Lana Reynolds will then deliver a welcome to the incoming class, followed by a Top Chef Competition, featuring President Reynolds, Vice President for Finance Grants and Enrollment Melanie Rinehart and Vice President for Academic and Student Affairs Dr. Bill Knowles as guest judges.

At 1:45 p.m., attendees can enjoy a break with snow cones and hot dogs, while also having the opportunity to explore the browsing fair.

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SSC Extends Office Hours Ahead of Aug. 19 Start Date

With the fall semester beginning Aug. 19, Seminole State College will hold extended enrollment hours to cater to prospective and returning student schedules from Aug. 12 to Aug. 17.

During the week of Aug. 12, SSC will provide guided campus tours, along with complimentary t-shirts and popcorn for attending students. Additionally, students will have the opportunity to participate in a raffle with the chance to win either a $250 or $500 tuition waiver. The drawing for the raffle is scheduled to take place at 1 p.m. on Aug. 12.

Special extended office hours will be offered in admissions, the online degree office, financial aid, advising, testing, the business office and the bookstore. These extended hours will be in effect from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. on Aug. 12 and 13. However, the offices will be closed during the morning of Aug. 14 for faculty and staff in-service and will reopen from 1:30 p.m. to 6 p.m. On Aug. 15 and 16, offices will be open from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. The extended hours enrollment event will conclude on Aug. 12, with offices open to prospective students from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.

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SSC Leadership Students Lend a Hand with Campus Cleanup

In an early observance of Earth Day, Seminole State College President’s Leadership Class members heard from environmentalist and filmmaker K.C. Shulberg, watched a screening of his documentary “The Urgency of Now” and then picked up trash across the SSC campus. “The Urgency of Now” explores the destruction of Hurricane Ian and features interviews with scientists, educators and public officials about the effects of climate change.

Solar Eclipse Watch Party Held at SSC

Pictured is a large group of faculty, staff and students gathered outside on SSC's campus to watch the solar eclipse.

Seminole State College students, faculty and staff gathered outside the E.T. Dunlap Student Union for a solar eclipse watch party on April 8. Everyone in attendance was given a pair of glasses designed to protect their eyes for the direct observation of the sun.

Pictured is Director of Student Activities and event organizer Melinda Sims passing out gift bags. Student Activities leaned into the theme and provided Sun Chips, Moon Pies, and Eclipse gum to attendees.

Director of Student Activities and event organizer Melinda Sims passed out gift bags. Student Activities leaned into the theme and provided Sun Chips, Moon Pies, and Eclipse gum to attendees.

Pictured is Upward Bound Coordinator Jay Williams as he observes the eclipse through a one-way mirror at SSC’s watch party.
Upward Bound Coordinator Jay Williams observes the eclipse at SSC’s watch party.

Mind Over Matter: Stress Management Seminar Held at SSC

Seminole State College hosted a stress management seminar on March 27 in the Jeff Johnston Fine Arts Center. More than 70 students, faculty and staff learned tips and tricks for coping with stress and managing mental health challenges. The event featured guest speaker Stephanie Hassell (pictured), a Licensed Professional Clinical Counselor and SSC grad who currently works at Hope Revealed Behavioral Health Center, Inc. The event was sponsored by the SSC Help Center, which provides mental health resources and counseling services on campus.

SSC Receives Community Health Grant from SSM Health

Pictured (left to right): SSM Health Senior Community Health Specialist Jose Rojas, SSC President Lana Reynolds, SSM Health St. Anthony – Shawnee President Angi Mohr and Psychology Professor and Help Center Coordinator Christal Knowles hold up a check representing the recently received community health grant from SSM Health St. Anthony – Shawnee.

Seminole State College recently received a community health grant from SSM Health St. Anthony – Shawnee in the amount of $10,000. The grant will be used to continue offering free mental health counseling to students through the College’s Help Center. Pictured (left to right): SSM Health Senior Community Health Specialist Jose Rojas, SSC President Lana Reynolds, SSM Health St. Anthony – Shawnee President Angi Mohr and Psychology Professor and Help Center Coordinator Christal Knowles.

SSC Extends Office Hours as Students Enroll for Spring

Seminole State College’s spring semester is set to begin Monday, Jan. 8. Special extended office hours will take place to provide students extra time and flexibility to enroll for the 2024 spring semester. While classes begin Jan. 8, enrollment remains open for the spring semester through Jan. 12.

While the campus is currently closed for winter break, advisors are still available to assist students online. Prospective students or students looking to re-enroll can begin the process by visiting the College’s website,, and clicking the homepage banner.

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SSC Named Certified Healthy Campus

Pictured, Community Drug Overdose Prevention Coordinator Zane Winters (left) presents the Certified Healthy Campus award to SSC Wellness Committee Chair Mechell Downey (right) on Dec. 1.

Seminole State College has been recognized by the Oklahoma State Department of Health as a Certified Healthy Campus. Community Drug Overdose Prevention Coordinator Zane Winters (left) presented the award to SSC Wellness Committee Chair Mechell Downey (right) on Dec. 1.

Certified Healthy Campus was created in 2011 to recognize both public and private post-secondary campuses and career technology centers that promote health and wellness for their faculty, staff, students, and even visitors. Promotion of health and wellness can be done in a variety of ways including passing policies that encourage healthy lifestyles and making facilities available for physical activities.

Leaders Luncheon

Pictured (left to right) seated on the couch are: SGA officers - Vice President Trenton Stewart of Holdenville, President Benjamin Parker of Shawnee and Secretary Elizabeth Smith of Agra. Standing (left to right) are: SSC President Lana Reynolds, Director of Board Relations and Administrative Operations Mechell Downey, Director of Information Technology and Information Security Officer Marc Hunter, Vice President for Student Affairs Dr. Bill Knowles, Vice President for Academic Affairs Dr. Amanda Estey, Vice President for Fiscal Affairs Melanie Rinehart and SGA Sponsor Talina Lee.

Seminole State College Student Government officers met with members of the college’s Administrative Council on Oct. 23 for lunch and a discussion of topics surrounding enrollment, physical safety, personal data security, food service and sports activities. Pictured (left to right) seated on the couch are: SGA officers – Vice President Trenton Stewart of Holdenville, President Benjamin Parker of Shawnee and Secretary Elizabeth Smith of Agra. Standing (left to right) are: SSC President Lana Reynolds, Director of Board Relations and Administrative Operations Mechell Downey, Director of Information Technology and Information Security Officer Marc Hunter, Vice President for Student Affairs Dr. Bill Knowles, Vice President for Academic Affairs Dr. Amanda Estey, Vice President for Fiscal Affairs Melanie Rinehart and SGA Sponsor Talina Lee.

Mobile Petting Zoo Makes Stop at SSC

Pictured, SSC students interact with one of the many animals brought to campus by The Little Bitty Acres Mobile Petting Zoo.

The Little Bitty Acres Mobile Petting Zoo brought a wide variety of animals to Seminole State College on Sept. 26. Students and employees interacted with the animals in the courtyard outside of the E.T. Dunlap Student Union. The event was hosted by SSC Campus and Activities.

Pictured, Information Technology Technician Teresa Norman holds a chicken at the petting zoo on SSC’s campus on Sept. 26.

Information Technology Technician Teresa Norman holds a chicken at the petting zoo on SSC’s campus on Sept. 26.