Trojan Baseball Begins Season with Banquet Celebration

In this photo, Matt Hancock, 2003 Trojan alumnus and current Director of Tulsa County Parks and Recreation, addresses the crowd of attendees from the stage as the event’s featured speaker.

The Seminole State College Trojans baseball team celebrated the start of their 2025 season with the “First Pitch Banquet” on Feb. 1 at the Enoch Kelly Haney Center. Nearly 250 guests were in attendance. Matt Hancock (pictured), 2003 Trojan alumnus and current Director of Tulsa County Parks and Recreation, was the event’s featured speaker.

In this photo, SSC Baseball Head Coach Mack Chambers stands in front of the crowd with his players behind as he introduced this year’s team.

SSC Baseball Head Coach Mack Chambers introduced this year’s team, spoke about improvements to the baseball training facility and thanked attendees for their support. The Trojans began their season on Jan. 30 with a three-game series against New Mexico Junior College, coming away with A 2-1 win-loss record.

In this photo, Current and past Trojan players and coaches pose for a group picture following the banquet.
Current and past Trojan players and coaches pose for a photo following the banquet.

OACC Director Visits SSC

In this photo, (pictured seated left to right) are: Professional Staff Association President Melinda Sims, Director Kidd, President Lana Reynolds and SGA President Adisen Williamsen; (pictured standing left to right) are: IT Director and Chief Information Security Officer Marc Hunter, Vice President for Academic and Student Affairs Dr. Bill Knowles, Classified Staff Association President Tisha Simon, SSC Legislative Consultant Karel Brewster, Director of Board Relations and Administrative Operations Mechell Downey, Vice President for Finance, Grants and Enrollment Melanie Rinehart, Faculty Senate Vice President Paul Juhasz, and Dean of Instruction Jessica Isaacs.

Former Oklahoma State Senator Chris Kidd, the Executive Director of the Oklahoma Association of Community Colleges, visited Seminole State College on Jan. 30. Following a tour of campus, including classrooms, science labs and the Brian Crawford Memorial Sports Complex, Kidd had lunch with administrators and leaders from SSC employee organizations. Luncheon guests (pictured seated left to right) are: Professional Staff Association President Melinda Sims, Director Kidd, President Lana Reynolds and SGA President Adisen Williamsen; (pictured standing left to right) are: IT Director and Chief Information Security Officer Marc Hunter, Vice President for Academic and Student Affairs Dr. Bill Knowles, Classified Staff Association President Tisha Simon, SSC Legislative Consultant Karel Brewster, Director of Board Relations and Administrative Operations Mechell Downey, Vice President for Finance, Grants and Enrollment Melanie Rinehart, Faculty Senate Vice President Paul Juhasz, and Dean of Instruction Jessica Isaacs.

In this photo, SSC Student Government President Adisen Williamsen (left), freshman from Mustang, presented Kidd (right) with a gift from the college.
SSC Student Government President Adisen Williamsen (left), freshman from Mustang, presented Kidd (right) with a gift from the college.

Experts Share Health and Safety Tips with SSC Leadership Students

The Seminole State College President’s Leadership Class kicked off their Spring semester with a program on “Health, Well-Being and Safety for College Life.” Following a luncheon in Utterback Ballroom of the SSC Haney Center on Jan. 21, the group heard presentations from local family physician Dr. Jenna Geohagan, Licensed Professional Counselor Stephanie Hassell and District Attorney for Pontotoc, Huges and Seminole Counties Erik Johnson. The speakers provided basic tips for good physical and mental health, as well as staying safe as a college student.

SSC Reports Success with GEAR UP Dreamcatcher Grant

In this picture, Seminole State College Comptroller Julie Hix (left) and Vice President of Finance, Grants and Enrollment Melanie Rinehart pose for a photo to celebrate the success of the GEAR UP Dreamcatcher grant, which concluded in 2024. Hix formerly served as Director of SSC’s GEAR UP program for five of the grant’s seven years.
Seminole State College Comptroller Julie Hix (left) and Vice President of Finance, Grants and Enrollment Melanie Rinehart celebrate the success of the GEAR UP Dreamcatcher grant, which concluded in 2024. Hix formerly served as Director of SSC’s GEAR UP program for five of the grant’s seven years.

Seminole State College has released its annual progress report on the Gaining Early Awareness and Readiness for Undergraduate Programs (GEAR UP) Dreamcatcher grant, which concluded in 2024 after seven years. The federal grant, awarded in 2017, provided critical college readiness, career exploration and academic achievement support to approximately 1,000 area students annually.

The Dreamcatcher GEAR UP grant funded six full-time positions, enabling SSC to deliver a wide range of services to students and schools within its five-county service area. Program offerings included college campus visits, free tutoring, career guidance, mentorship programs and financial aid workshops for students and families. The grant also supported scholarships for participants and provided partner schools with professional development, resources and guidance in implementing Individualized Career and Academic Plans (ICAPs).

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Department of Health Awards SSC ‘Certified Excellence’ for Healthy Initiatives

In this photo, Kimberly Ramsey, Adolescent Health Specialist with the Oklahoma State Health Department (center). poses for a photo with Mechell Downey, Director of Board Relations and Administrative Operations (left), and SSC President Lana Reynolds (right).

Seminole State College has earned the “Certified Excellence” designation, the highest level of recognition from the Certified Healthy Oklahoma Program, a division of the Oklahoma Department of Health. This free, voluntary certification program recognizes organizations committed to fostering healthy environments and policies that encourage better nutrition, increased physical activity, and tobacco-free living. The award was presented by Kimberly Ramsey, Adolescent Health Specialist with the Oklahoma State Health Department (center). Accepting the award were Mechell Downey, Director of Board Relations and Administrative Operations (left), and SSC President Lana Reynolds (right).

SSC to Host Annual Trojan Baseball Banquet

Matt Hancock.
Tulsa County Director of Parks and Recreation Matt Hancock, a 2003 Trojan alumnus, will be the guest speaker at the Trojan Baseball Banquet on Feb. 1.

Seminole State College will kick off the 2025 Trojan Baseball season with its annual “First Pitch” Banquet, set for Saturday, Feb. 1, at 6:30 p.m. in the Enoch Kelly Haney Center. The event brings together alumni, supporters and current team members.

Jeff Stych, a 1992 Trojan alumnus, will emcee the evening’s festivities. The program will open with an invocation led by current Trojan player Bennett Crafton and a greeting from SSC President Lana Reynolds.

This year’s banquet will honor anniversary teams from 1985, 1995, 2005, and 2015, recognizing their contributions to the program’s legacy.

The keynote speaker for the event is Matt Hancock, a 2003 Trojan alumnus, who will speak about his journey from collegiate baseball to community leadership.

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SSC Board of Regents Extend President’s Contract

In this photo, pictured (seated, l-r): President Reynolds, Chair Curtis Morgan; (standing, l-r) Regents Ryan Franklin, Robyn Ready, Ryan Pitts, Marci Donaho, Teresa Burnett and Bryan Cain pose for a group photo.
The SSC Board of Regents renewed President Lana Reynolds’ contract at their meeting on Jan. 16. Pictured (seated, l-r): President Reynolds, Chair Curtis Morgan; (standing, l-r) Regents Ryan Franklin, Robyn Ready, Ryan Pitts, Marci Donaho, Teresa Burnett and Bryan Cain.

The Seminole State College Board of Regents convened for their monthly meeting on Jan. 16 to review the terms of President Lana Reynolds’ employment.

The meeting opened with an overview of the College’s recent expenditures by Vice President of Finance, Grants and Enrollment Melanie Rinehart.

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Fall Honor Roll Recognizes SSC Students

In this photo, an ariel view of students crowding the courtyard on SSC's campus is shown.
Seminole State College has recognized 394 students for their academic achievement in the fall 2024 semester by naming them to the President’s, Vice President’s and Part-Time Honor Rolls.

Seminole State College has released the names of honor roll students for the 2024 fall semester. Three separate honor rolls recognize students for their academic achievements.

The President’s Honor Roll is comprised of students who maintain a perfect 4.0 grade-point-average in at least 12 credit hours of coursework.

Students named to the Vice President’s Honor Roll must have a 3.5 grade-point-average or better and no grade below a “C”.

The Part-Time Students’ Honor Roll is for students who maintain a 3.5 grade-point-average with no grade below a “C” in at least six, but less than 12 college credit hours.

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Spring Semester Begins Soon at SSC, Enrollment Remains Open

In this photo, an ariel view of the courtyard on SSC's campus is shown full of students.
Seminole State College is currently enrolling students for the spring semester. Spring courses begin Jan. 13, 2025.

The Seminole State College spring semester will begin on Monday, Jan. 13. Enrollment remains open for new and returning students looking to take advantage of SSC’s variety of degree programs and class formats.

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Pushcart Prize Nominee Paul Juhasz on Storytelling’s Power to Heal

In this photo, Seminole State College Assistant Professor of English Paul Juhasz poses with his published works. The author was recently nominated for a Pushcart Prize for his flash memoir “Row.”
Seminole State College Assistant Professor of English Paul Juhasz poses with his published works. The author was recently nominated for a Pushcart Prize for his flash memoir “Row.”

For Paul Juhasz, storytelling has always been more than words on a page—it’s been a means of survival. Born in Connecticut and shaped by experiences across seven states, Juhasz now writes and teaches in Oklahoma, a place where stories are as much a part of the landscape as the red earth. As an Assistant Professor of English at Seminole State College, he’s passing on power of storytelling to his students.

That storytelling prowess has earned him significant recognition. This year marks the second consecutive time Juhasz has been nominated for a Pushcart Prize, one of the highest honors in independent publishing. Established in 1976, the Pushcart Prize celebrates the best poetry, short fiction and essays published by small presses.

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