SSC Board of Regents Reviews Annual Audit, Declares State of Emergency for Softball Field

The Seminole State College Board of Regents convened on Oct. 24 to accept the College’s annual external audit report and ratify a Declaration of a State of Emergency due to damage to the SSC softball field.

The meeting began with a report from SSC President Lana Reynolds, who provided updates on recent and upcoming campus events. Reynolds also introduced STEM Division Vice Chair Wendy Rich. Rich provided an overview of the division and discussed different technologies professors have been implementing in their classrooms, including simulators, drones and electrical engineering kits.

Seminole State College STEM Division Vice Chair Wendy Rich demonstrates a calf simulator to the Board of Regents, highlighting how it provides students with hands-on experience in animal science courses.

The first item on the agenda was the acceptance of the 2024 fiscal year external audit, conducted by Hinkle and Company, P.C. Kirk Vanderslice, the Accounting and Auditing Director of the firm, presented the report to the Board. The audit covered College operations from July 1, 2023, to June 30, 2024. The Board’s Audit Committee, composed of Regents Curtis

Morgan, Robyn Ready, and Teresa Burnett, reviewed the report prior to the full Board meeting. Vanderslice confirmed that no significant deficiencies or material weaknesses were identified, and an unqualified, or clean, audit opinion was issued. The Board approved the audit report.

Next, the Board ratified a Declaration of a State of Emergency in response to significant damage to the SSC softball field complex. The complex sustained structural damage due to a wind, rain and hailstorm that struck parts of Seminole County on Sept. 24. The emergency declaration allowed for immediate action to assess and begin repairs.

The final two action items concerned capital improvements. The Board reviewed bids for a motor pool secured parking lot and manikins for the College’s federally funded nursing simulation lab. The Board approved a bid from J & J Dozier Service Inc. for the secured parking lot in the amount of $150,900. Then the Board approved a bid from Laerdal Medical Corporation in the amount of $251,083 for the manikins.

Under the consent agenda, the Board approved program reviews for the Business and Education Division, the Physical Therapy Assistant Program and the Social Science Division. These reviews will be submitted to the Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education for final approval.

Board members present at the meeting included Chair Curtis Morgan, Teresa Burnett, Marci Donaho and Robyn Ready.

The next SSC Board of Regents meeting is scheduled for Thursday, Dec. 12, 2024.