Seminole State College welcomed 24 retirees back to campus for a luncheon in their honor on Oct. 23 in the Utterback Ballroom of the Enoch Kelly Haney Center. SSC President Lana Reynolds welcomed the former employees and provided an update on campus activities.

Pictured (left to right) front section: SSC President Lana Reynolds, Cynthia Yerby, Dr. Jim Cook, Tracy Jacomo, Susan Shumaker, Mary Ann Hill, Marie Dawson, Dr. Richard Wood, Jonna Bunyan, Fred Bunyan and Tom Stephens; middle section: Dan Factor, Kathy Hoover, Frank Washington, Larry Birdwell, Malinda Browning, Perthena Latchaw, Larry Vickers, Kay Dotson and Ted Hurt; back section: Rusty Bean, Kelly Kirk, Kelly Chastain, Travis Qualls and Rick Hanson.

Retirees Tom Stephens, Dan Factor and Jonna Bunyan peruse a collection of photos from the college’s archive during the luncheon.