Struggling in mathematics is nothing new to the average college student. College algebra has often been called a gatekeeper course and has often been the one course students could not pass. Passing College Algebra has become more of a rite of passage rather than a course in learning how to solve real world problems. Through an Oklahoma State Regents of Higher Education initiative, Seminole State College realized the need for different college-level math courses that reflect the mathematics necessary for specific majors. The initiative to make math more relevant stems from a desire to see our students succeed in their chosen field and in life.
Seminole State College Mathematics Department
The mission of the Mathematics Department is to provide the mathematical skills required for career and transfer programs, and to prepare students for success in exciting careers. The Mathematics Department’s courses fulfill the general education requirements for all SSC degree programs.
Pathways at SSC

First year mathematics courses at SSC provide you with options that will prepare you for a postsecondary world that branches into exciting careers. Our goal at SSC is to get you started on a mathematics pathway that is best for your intended major.
The mathematics course that you will enroll in depends on your degree. SSC will help you find the best entry-level mathematics course to get you started on the path to success in your chosen career field. At SSC, there are 4 entry-level mathematics courses to choose from:
Math 1413 Quantitative Reasoning
Math 1503 Elementary Statistics
Math 1523 Pre-Calculus for Business or Biology
Math 1513 Pre-Calculus for Engineering, Physics, or Computer Science
Where should you start? Consider the job you might want to have, then determine what degree you should have for this job, then find that degree on the chart below.
Choose Your Pathway!

Be sure to consult with your academic advisor to confirm that you have chosen the correct Math Pathway.
Co-Requisite Remediation
Seminole State College has implemented co-requisite courses, through which students complete any necessary remediation while enrolled concurrently in college-level courses. Co-requisite remediation pairs a support course with a college-level course for a semester-long experience of # credit hours. Co-requisite remediation replaces former single semester models that delayed entrance into college-level courses. Co-requisite remediation is offered for students whose ACT (or equivalent) scores point to a need for remediation with college-level work.
Co-Requisitve Math Pathways Placement (click here)